Seminars are on Fridays, 1-4 pm (remote-only delivery)
- Papers start at 1:10pm, Zoom session starts at 1pm
- Zoom link to be distributed together with summary and focus item one week prior
Schedule - Fall 2020
- Sept 25: Jaś Elsner (Oxford): Rome, India, China: Comparison and Meaning in the Relief Sculpture of Late Ancient Eurasia [Focus item: The Amarāvatī Buddhapadas]
- Oct. 9: Mark Griffith (Berkeley): The Gender of Ancient Greek Music
[Focus item: Aristotle De Anima 2.8.419b4-421a6; Aristotle Politics 8.2.1337b5-8.3.1338a37; 8.5.1339b42-1340b19; 8.7.1341b32-1342a30] - Oct. 30: Esther Eidinow (Bristol University): Oracular Failure in Ancient Greek Culture
[Focus item: Visiting the Oracle: an Immersive Experience (] - Nov. 20: Caroline Vout (Cambridge): The New Normal? Bodies Beyond the Classical Body
[Focus item: Prima Porta Augustus, Commodus as Hercules, the San Marco Tetrarchs, head of Alexander the Great, section of cavalrymen from the Parthenon frieze, Tomb of Darius I, Naqsh-i Rustam]
Schedule - Winter 2021
- Jan. 15: Ingo Gildenhard (Cambridge): The Extremist Ethics of Cicero's De Officiis
[Focus item: Passages from the reception history of Cicero’s De Officiis] - Feb. 5: Sarah Iles-Johnston (Ohio State University): Theory of Mind and Ancient Greek Religious Experience
- Feb. 26: Darian Totten (McGill University): Daily LIfe in the Shadow of Late Antique 'Decline': Urban Case Studies for Apulia
[Focus item: Select archaeological assemblages from the towns of Salapia, Herdonia, and Gnathia] - March 19: Ivana Petrovic & Andrej Petrovic (University of Virginia): Hesiod's Religious Norms in Context: On Works and Days 724-760
[Focus item: Hesiod Works and Days 724-760]