Political Science
Political science is fundamentally a study of power. Political science scholars and students focus on core concepts like authority, legitimacy, liberty, equality, citizenship, governance and justice.
Honours Bachelor of Arts
Program Plans
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- Human Resources Specialist
- Social Policy Program Officer
- Customs Officer
- Public Relations Specialist
- Legislative Analyst
Admission Requirements
Regional Requirements
Admissions RequirementsLife in Political Science
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Sample Courses
Analysis of different aspects of conflict management, including security regimes, U.N. peacekeeping, mediation, bilateral as well as multilateral techniques.
Examines the influence of social and economic forces on contemporary Ontario politics, with emphasis on major recent changes in the Ontario political system.
An introduction to gender and politics that examines women as political actors and their activities in formal and grassroots politics.
Other Programs to Consider

Sociology thus creates theories about a broad range of human activity. Sociologists study how families work; how individuals change over the life course; how norms and laws are made, broken, enforced, and changed; how inequalities of gender, class, and race emerge, continue, and change.

Economics (HBA)
Economics is a social science that encompasses a particular range of human behaviour and has a strong influence on the structure, well-being, and development of a society. Undergraduate training in Economics is intended to familiarize students with the discipline of economic thinking, and to equip them for intelligent appraisal of contemporary economic problems.

Political Science
Political science is fundamentally a study of power. Political science scholars and students focus on core concepts like authority, legitimacy, liberty, equality, citizenship, governance and justice.