OSAP and other government aid
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a government financial aid program made up of a mix of grants and loans. Once you apply and qualify for OSAP, you’ll be considered automatically for other sources of funding, like UTAPS. If you’re from another Canadian province, territory, or First Nations band, you can apply for aid through your government’s financial aid program or your First Nations band.
University of Toronto Financial Aid (UTAPS)
Does your government financial aid not quite cover all your costs? UTAPS is for full-time students who receive the maximum government financial aid available but whose funding still doesn’t cover all their university costs. UTAPS helps fill the financial gap. Ontario residents must be receiving OSAP to be considered. If you’re receiving financial aid from another Canadian province, territory or a First Nations band, you may be eligible for UTAPS too.
Other loans and student lines of credit
Most lending institutions offer lines of credit to students. Generally you can borrow between $5,000 to $10,000 a year, with interest payments required each month and repayment starting six months after completing your studies. Contact your lending institution for more details.
Entering a professional program like Law or Medicine? You might qualify for a low-interest bank line of credit through the Scotia Professional Plan for Students. Or if you’re a US citizen, the Federal Direct Loan Program could provide the support you need.
Emergency grants
As much as you plan ahead, you can’t always avoid an unexpected financial crisis. That’s why the University of Toronto has grants available for emergency situations.
Part-time students
Studying part-time? Look into your options for financial aid, including OSAP for Part-Time Students, and the Noah Meltz Program of Financial Assistance.
Financial aid for students with disabilities
Explore the funding opportunities available for students with disabilities. In addition to OSAP, you’ll find a mix of grants and programs to help make university accessible and successful.
Work Study Program
Develop your skills, knowledge, and work experience through the University of Toronto’s Work Study Program. You can be hired for paid work on campus.
Within Reach
Explore the range of financial aid and awards programs available to you - complete with tips, reminders, links to estimators and planners, and case studies.