Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Your assessment can take between 4 to 8 weeks to become available. This timeline can and will vary depending on many factors, including whether you submitted adequately-detailed course outlines for all academic courses; do we have your final, official transcripts or just interim ones; the distribution of your previously completed courses; the time of year (May through August is our peak period); etc.

The Transfer Credit Team collects and organizes your documentation (transcripts, course outlines, syllabus, etc.). We determine transfer credit eligibility by performing a preliminary assessment of your documentation. Once you have submitted detailed course outlines for review, we will forward these to our Subject Matter Experts (SME) within the various academic departments at U of T Mississauga. These SME's then determine whether the course covered content that is sufficient for specified or unspecified credits within their respective departments.

If you wish to have a credit re-evaluated, you must submit your request for an appeal via email. In your appeal request, you must list the specific course(s) you would like reassessed and your rationale for wanting the course(s) reassessed.

You must also support your appeal by submitting additional information that U of T Mississauga did not have when the original assessment was made. Submission of the same outline or syllabus will not suffice to process an appeal request - we cannot ask a department to reassess a course using the same information they used to make their initial assessment.

Transfer credit appeals are generally considered/processed in September once the bulk of transfer credit assessments for newly-admitted students have been completed.

Note: the decisions from an appeal are final; you cannot revert back to your original assessment after you have had an appeal.

A transfer credit assessment is generally a mandatory requirement of your admission to the university. As such, you are required to submit the application and supporting documentation as soon as possible before the start of the academic year, but ideally before your offer acceptance deadline.

Failure to submit the application, processing fee, and supporting documentation can and will result in the blockage of future registration at the University of Toronto.

Please refer to theJOIN U of T Applicant website under the “Terms and Conditions of your Admission” and “Your Admission Checklist” for instructions on what official documents are required and how they should be submitted to U of T Mississauga. 

You have one year from the date of your first registration at U of T Mississauga to request changes to your assessment. Requests for changes can include the submission of outstanding course outlines for review, departmental interviews (if applicable), reassessment or credit adjustment requests, and requests to mark unspecified credits as 'extra'.

The Transfer Credit Team will notify you that your transfer credit assessment is complete via email – we will use either the email address you provided with your application to U of T, or we will use your official account, if it has been set up.

Ensure that you continue to check both accounts for this notification.

Our email will direct you to the online application log in screen where, once you log in, you can select "view letter" beside your application status.

A specified credit is a course you completed at another university that has been deemed equivalent to a specified course at U of T Mississauga.

If your previously completed course is deemed equivalent to a U of T Mississauga course, that course contains content that has significant overlap to our specified course. This includes, but not limited to: the grading breakdown is similar; the textbook used is the same or similar; the weekly topics cover similar breadth and depth of material; etc.

Specified credits can be used to satisfy degree, distribution, and program requirements.

Our Subject Matter Experts (SME) can award an unspecified departmental credit at U of T Mississauga if your previously completed course has sufficient content within the subject area, but the course itself is not an exact match in credit weight, content, and/or level.

Unspecified transfer credits are noted on your record similar to the examples below:

BIO1**H, PSY2**Y, SOC3**H

The departmental area (BIO, PSY, SOC, etc.), followed by the level indicator (1, 2, 3, 4), two asterisks that indicate unspecified, followed by either an H for a half-credit equivalent or a Y for a full-credit equivalent.

Unspecified credits may also list an exclusion. This will be noted in your final assessment and on your ACORN and Degree Explorer.

Unspecified credits can be used to satisfy degree and distribution requirements. These credits typically cannot be used to satisfy program requirements. You may wish to check with the department/program area for further clarification.

Generic credits are awarded for courses that do not fit within a specific program area or discipline, and for courses completed within the Ontario College system.

Generic credits can be used to satisfy degree and distribution requirements only. They cannot be used towards satisfying program requirements

Generic credits are awarded using the following course designators:

  • HUM for the distribution requirement in Humanities
  • SCI for the distribution requirement in Sciences
  • SSc for the distribution requirement in Social Sciences

If a course is listed as an exclusion on your transfer credit assessment, you may not enrol in that course for degree credit since the content of your transfer credit has overlap to the excluded U of T course.

Should you enrol in a course at U of T that has been listed as an exclusion on your transfer credit assessment, the U of T course completed will be marked as "extra".

An "extra" is a course that does not count towards your degree or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). It may count towards your program or distribution requirements if you receive approval from the necessary program advisor. Note: courses are credited towards a U of T Mississauga degree chronologically (if you received transfer credits for studies completed prior to studying at U of T Mississauga, these are counted first, chronologically). You may ask your faculty/program/departmental advisor or the U of T Mississauga's Office of the Registrar for permission to use "extras" to meet prerequisite, program or distribution requirements.

Awarded transfer credits from previous post-secondary studies cannot be forfeited. You may however request to have unspecified and generic transfer credits marked as extra. More about this is available on our Request to Mark Post-Secondary Transfer Credit as Extra page.

Secondary school credits can be marked as extra if a request is submitted before the stated deadline if you are admitted directly from secondary school. Note: post-secondary transfer students who have received secondary school transfer credit from their previous institution are not permitted to mark these as extra at U of T.

Course enrolment start dates are dependent upon how many transfer credits you receive. For details on course enrolment start times, you are encouraged to review the Registration Guide.

If you are admitted, you should register for courses at the start of the registration period whether or not your transfer credits have been assessed. We encourage you to do a self-assessment of the courses you have completed and how they relate to U of T Mississauga. Compare the content of your previous studies with those offered at U of T Mississauga to ensure that you do not repeat previously completed courses. Once your final transfer credit assessment is complete, you may need to adjust your course selection. Our Academic Advisors and Transfer Credit Team can help you with this.

The ultimate responsibility rests with the student for ensuring that course selection is consistent with the Calendar rules.

Yes! We will require a final, official transcript to be sent directly to the Transfer Credit office for review once final grades are available – this may be in September, which is okay.

You should also submit the detailed course outlines for your summer courses as soon as you receive them for review.

If you receive 4.0 credits or more in transfer and subsequently enrol in a program that has a higher tuition fee (a deregulated fee program), your first-year tuition will be retroactively reassessed. You would therefore see an increase in your first-year tuition, even if you have already paid your fees in full.

To see whether your program of interest is deregulated or not, you can view the List of Programs website. If a program charges deregulated fees, it will be indicated by a checkmark in the Deregulated Fees column.

If you receive 3.5 or fewer credits, you would not be retroactively charged deregulated tuition fees for your first year of study at U of T Mississauga.

If you have any questions about the deregulated program fees, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

If you have received a half-credit equivalent and been excluded from the full-credit U of T course; you may opt to mark the half-credit transfer credit as "extra" and then enrol in the full-credit exclusion for degree credit.

Examples of this include receiving a transfer credit of PSY1**H5 (exclusion to PSY100Y5) or SPA1**H5 (exclusion to SPA100Y5). If you wanted to take PSY100Y5 or SPA100Y5, you would have to submit the Enrolment in Full-Credit Exclusion for Degree Credit form.

300/400 Level Courses: 

  • Although you may receive more than one transfer credit at the 300/400 level, only one 300/400 level transfer credit can be used to fulfill U of T Mississauga's 300/400 level degree requirement. 

Distribution/Program Requirements:  

  • Students wishing to use transfer credit to fulfill distribution or program requirements are responsible for confirming with the Office of the Registrar and/or their respective academic departments that the credit is acceptable for this purpose. 

It is your responsibility to ensure your current course registration is consistent with the rules outlined in the Academic Calendar; this includes satisfying prerequisites, corequisites, and exclusions. If you are enrolled in courses already and are receiving your assessment for the first time, you must review your registration to ensure it is still appropriate and adheres to the Academic Calendar rules.  
It is a student's responsibility to be aware of and adhere to the academic regulations and degree requirements as stated in the Calendar. Once admitted, please ensure that you have read and understood all the degree requirements. 

Any grade that you received during post‐secondary studies outside of the University of Toronto does not carry over with the transfer credit. Your CGPA will only include courses taken at U of T. If you are transferring from the Faculty of Arts & Science, the Faculty of Landscape, Architecture and Design, and U of T Scarborough, all U of T courses and grades will be retained and calculated in your U of T Mississauga CGPA.

If you are enrolled in, or plan to enrol in summer courses, ensure that you list these courses in the Course List section of this application. Input the grade as "IPR" and upload a syllabus if you have one. If a syllabus is not yet available, or you decide to enrol in courses after you have submitted the transfer credit application, you must email proof of enrolment and the syllabi to as soon as possible. Once your final grades become available, you must request that an official transcript be sent directly to U of T Mississauga's Transfer Credit Office before we can award any eligible credits for summer studies.  

Please note that completing courses over the summer can impact your admission to the university. You must maintain the stated CGPA listed in your offer of admission and remain in good academic standing. Should you not satisfy these admission conditions, your offer of admission may be amended.

All students must complete 4.0 U of T credits before requesting this program of study. Secondary school transfer credits and courses with a grade of credit/no-credit (CR/NCR) will not count as part of the 4.0 credits required for program entry. However, secondary school transfer credits can be used to meet other program entry, prerequisite, and program completion requirements. Students with post-secondary studies are not eligible for this program. Contact the Department of Mathematical & Computational Sciences directly for details.