The domain of physics ranges from its origins in natural philosophy to the investigations of complex biological systems. Combining the power of mathematics with the art of precision experiments, Physics discovers the mechanisms that interconnect many different aspects of nature. A physics background with its emphasis on quantitative problem solving enhances future employment opportunities in scientific research and teaching, biomedical professions, biotech and environmental organizations, industrial research and development, electronics and engineering companies, informatics and computer-related enterprises, or financial institutions.
Honours Bachelor of Science
Program Plans
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- Astrophysicist
- Doctor
- Professor
- Nuclear physicist
- Scientific photographer/Photojournalist
Admission Requirements
Regional Requirements
Admissions RequirementsLife in Physics
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Sample Courses
The analysis of vibrating systems and wave motion, introducing mathematical techniques such as complex numbers, eigenvalue problems, and Fourier series. Topics include: travelling waves; propagation of electromagnetic waves in materials.
An introduction to equilibrium thermodynamics with application to ideal and non-ideal systems: covering the concepts of work and heat, the laws of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy and entropy, the chemical potential, and states of matter.
A modular practical course that develops the experimental and computational skills necessary to get deeper insight in physical phenomena. Selected physics experiments and modeling that illustrate important principles of physics are applied.
Other Programs to Consider

Astronomical Sciences
Astronomical Sciences studies the vast universe beyond Earth, discovering objects and phenomena that do not exist on Earth or in the solar system, such as planets orbiting other stars, black holes and forms of mass and energy that cannot be seen even though they form 95% of the universe. To study these objects, astronomical sciences integrates the methods and knowledge of all the other sciences.

Earth Science
Earth Science is the discipline that studies our planet and all of its natural environments. Our program offers training in both critical streams of Earth Science: Resources & Tectonics and Earth, Climate & Life. Through our program, students become well equipped to understand the causes and consequences of radical shifts already underway in Earth’s climate system.

The domain of physics ranges from its origins in natural philosophy to the investigations of complex biological systems.