UTM STEM Scholars Program

Students in a lab

A Pathway for Tomorrow's Leaders

The University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) STEM Scholars Program - A Pathway for Tomorrow's Leaders aims to increase diversity among future leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This unique program seeks to identify high-achieving Black students and mentor them throughout the pathway from high school to graduate school. The program is open to those who excel in both academic and extracurricular activities and who have an interest in the advancement of underrepresented groups in STEM.

Update on the UTM STEM Scholars Pilot Program

Following the pilot year of the UTM STEM Scholars program, we recognize the need to pause and review the pilot as UTM strives to deliver meaningful opportunities and experiences to as many Black-identifying students as possible. As a result, the pilot STEM Scholars program is not admitting students in 2024. 

In recognition and celebration of the outstanding academic achievements of many applicants, for 2024-25 we are offering a new UTM STEM Excellence Entrance Award to an expanded group of Black-identifying students relative to the number admitted as part of the UTM STEM Scholars Program in the pilot year. The UTM STEM Excellence Entrance Award is valued at $8000 over four consecutive years of study ($2000 entrance award, renewable for up to three additional years). This award may be combined with other award offers from the University of Toronto Mississauga. Additional important information pertaining to the award can be found here, under the heading “Terms & Conditions – General.” 

In addition to the UTM STEM Excellence Entrance Award, our campus community is collaboratively offering UTM STEM Excellence Entrance Award recipients a series of STEM-related and co-curricular experiences and opportunities to help enrich student experiences at UTM. Examples of this include mentorship supports, dedicated academic and financial aid advising, invitations to engage with the vibrant Black@UTM community, and special opportunities to engage with faculty and campus leaders. 

For more information, please contact stemscholars.utm@utoronto.ca.

STEM Scholars Program Website