English Courses 2013-2014
General descriptions of these courses are always available on the UTM Calendar webpage at

* The Course Schedules below are subject to change, pending enrolment pattern changes.
100-Level Courses
The 100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses.They are open to all students who have standing in no more than one full course in English.
ENG140Y5Y, our current first-year flagship course, explores how literature responds to the modern world and focuses on some of the most significant works of modern and contemporary literature. ENG110Y5 explores the nature of narrative in a wide variety of fictional and non-fictional, poetic and cinematic forms.DRE/ENG121H and DRE/ENG122H study drama and performance from classical times to the present. ENG110Y5 and ENG140Y5 are equivalent to one another in that either one can be used in fulfillment of a Specialist, Major, or Minor Program, as can the combination of ENG121H and ENG122H. ENG100H5, a course in general writing skills relevant to a wide range of university subject areas, may not be used to meet the requirements of any English program.
A highlighted course code in the tables below denotes that a course description is available or VIEW ALL available course descriptions.
Course | Section | Day | Time | Instructor |
ENG110Y5Y Narrative |
0101 | MW | 2-3 | Chester Scoville |
Tutorials | ||||
ENG110Y5Y | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | W | 3-4 | Sundhya Walther | |
TUT0102 | W | 3-4 | Stephen Brown | |
TUT0103 | W | 3-4 | Elissa Gurman | |
TUT0104 | W | 4-5 | Katherine Magyarody | |
TUT0105 | W | 4-5 | Aaron Donachuk | |
TUT0106 | W | 4-5 | Oliver Lue | |
TUT0107 | W | 4-5 | Noa Reich | |
TUT0108 | W | 5-6 | Stephen Brown | |
TUT0109 | W | 5-6 | Sundhya Walther | |
TUT0110 | W | 5-6 | Elissa Gurman | |
TUT0111 | W | 6-7 | Katherine Magyarody | |
TUT0112 | W | 6-7 | Oliver Lue | |
TUT0113 | W | 6-7 | Aaron Donachuk | |
TUT0114 | W | 6-7 | Noa Reich | |
TUT0115 | W | 5-6 | Alex Howard | |
DRE/ENG121H5F Traditions of Theatre and Drama |
0101 | W F |
11-12 10-11 |
Timothy Youker |
Tutorials | ||||
ENG121H5F | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | F | 11-12 | Ashley Williamson | |
TUT0102 | F | 1-2 | Ashley Williamson | |
DRE121H5F | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | F | 11-12 | Lauren Shepherd | |
TUT0102 | F | 1-2 | Lauren Shepherd | |
DRE/ENG122H5S Modern & Contemporary Theatre and Drama |
0101 | WF | 10-11 | Timothy Youker |
Tutorials | ||||
ENG122H5S | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | F | 11-12 | Michael Reinhart | |
TUT0102 | F | 1-2 | Jenny Salisbury | |
TUT0103 | F | 1-2 | Michael Reinhart | |
DRE122H5S | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | F | 11-12 | Timothy Youker | |
TUT0102 | F | 3-4 | Jenny Salisbury | |
ENG140Y5Y Literature for Our Time |
0101 | TU/TH | 11-12 | Colin Hill |
Tutorials | Section | Day | Time | TA |
ENG140Y5Y | TUT0101 | TH | 12-1 | Julia Cooper |
TUT0102 | TH | 12-1 | Kaelyn Kaoma | |
TUT0103 | TH | 12-1 | Spencer Morrison | |
TUT0104 | TH | 12-1 | Simon Taylor | |
TUT0105 | TH | 2-3 | Julia Cooper | |
TUT0106 | TH | 2-3 | Kaelyn Kaoma | |
TUT0107 | TH | 2-3 | Spencer Morrison | |
TUT0108 | TH | 2-3 | Simon Taylor |
200-Level Courses
All 200-level courses are open to students who are concurrently enrolled in ENG110Y or ENG140Y, or both DRE/ENG121H and DRE/ENG122H, or who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits.
Course | Section | Day | Time | Instructor |
ENG201Y5Y Reading Poetry |
0101 | TU TH |
12-1 11-1 |
Brent Wood |
ENG202Y5Y British Literature:Medieval to Romantic |
0101 | M | 10-12 | Chris Koenig-Woodyard |
Tutorials | ||||
ENG202Y5Y | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | M | 12-1 | Katie Booker | |
TUT0102 | M | 12-1 | Jonathan Kerr | |
TUT0103 | M | 12-1 | Diana Patzer | |
TUT0104 | M | 2-3 | Katie Booker | |
TUT0105 | M | 2-3 | Jonathan Kerr | |
TUT0106 | M | 2-3 | Diana Patzer | |
ENG203Y5Y British Literature: Victorian to Contemporary |
0101 | TU TH |
10-11 9-11 |
Chris Koenig-Woodyard |
ENG205H5F Rhetoric |
0101 | MWF | 10-11 | Chester Scoville |
ENG210Y5Y The Novel |
0101 | TU TH |
3-5 3-4 |
Mark Levene |
ENG213H5F The Short Story |
0101 | TU TH |
12-1 11-1 |
Mark Levene |
ENG214H5F The Short Story Collection |
0101 | MWF | 12-1 | Daniela Janes |
ENG215H5S The Canadian Short Story |
0101 | MWF | 9-10 | Daniela Janes |
ENG220Y5Y Shakespeare |
0101 | MW | 12-1 | Holger Syme |
Tutorials | ||||
ENG220Y5Y | Section | Day | Time | TA |
TUT0101 | M | 1-2 | Sam Kaufman | |
TUT0102 | M | 1-2 | Erin Reynolds/Webster | |
TUT0104 | M | 3-4 | Sam Kaufman | |
TUT0106 | M | 3-4 | Erin Reynolds/Webster | |
ENG234H5S Children’s Literature |
0101 | MWF | 3-4 | Siobhan O'Flynn |
ENG237H5F Science Fiction |
0101 | TU TH |
4-5 3-5 |
Chris Koenig-Woodyard |
ENG239H5S Fantasy and Horror |
0101 | MWF | 10-11 | Chester Scoville |
ENG250Y5Y American Literature |
0101 | M | 6-9 | Jeannine DeLombard |
ENG252Y5Y Canadian Literature |
0101 | TU TH |
1-2 1-3 |
Colin Hill |
ENG270Y5Y Colonial & Postcolonial Literature |
0101 | M W |
11-12 11-1 |
Stanka Radovic |
ENG274H5S Native North American Literature |
0101 | MWF | 10-11 | Daniela Janes |
ENG280H5F - CANCELLED Critical Approaches to Literature |
0101 | MWF | 11-12 | Ella Soper |
300-Level Courses
300-level courses are open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 credits, at least 1.0 of which must be an ENG credit.
Course | Section | Day | Time | Instructor |
ENG300Y5Y Chaucer |
0101 | MWF | 12-1 | Chester Scoville |
ENG302Y5Y Poetry & Prose 1500-1600 |
0101 | M W |
3-4 3-5 |
Liza Blake |
ENG305H5F Swift, Pope, and their Contemporaries |
0101 | M W |
4-5 3-5 |
David F. Taylor |
ENG308Y5Y Romantic Poetry and Prose |
0101 | W | 6-9 | Daniel White |
ENG313H5F Science and Fiction in the English Renaissance |
0101 | M W |
11-1 12-1 |
Liza Blake |
ENG314H5F Women Writers 1660-1800 |
0101 | M W |
1-3 1-2 |
David F. Taylor |
ENG316H5S George Orwell and the Writer in the Modern World |
0101 | TU TH |
12-1 11-1 |
Mark Levene |
ENG322Y5Y Fiction Before 1832 |
0101 | TU TH |
1-3 1-2 |
Chris Koenig-Woodyard |
ENG324Y5Y Fiction, 1832-1900 |
0101 | M W |
3-4 3-5 |
Daniel Wright |
ENG330H5S Early Drama |
0101 | M W |
11-1 12-1 |
Liza Blake |
ENG331H5F Drama to 1603 |
0101 | M W |
1-2 1-3 |
Leslie Thomson |
ENG335H5S Drama 1603 to 1642 |
0101 | M W |
1-2 1-3 |
Leslie Thomson |
ENG341H5F Modern Drama since World War II |
0101 | M W |
1-3 1-2 |
Lawrence Switzky |
ENG347Y5Y Victorian Poetry and Prose |
0101 | M W |
11-1 12-1 |
Daniel Wright |
ENG349H5S Contemporary Poetry |
0101 | TU TH |
1-3 1-2 |
Richard Greene |
ENG352H5F Canadian Drama |
0101 | MWF | 10-11 | Daniela Janes |
ENG353Y5Y Canadian Fiction |
0101 | TU TH |
3-4 3-5 |
Brent Wood |
ENG357H5F New Writing in Canada |
0101 | MWF | 9-10 | Siobhan O'Flynn |
ENG360H5F Early American Literature |
0101 | TU | 6-9 | Jeannine DeLombard |
ENG363Y5Y 19th-Century American Literature |
6001 | TU TH |
11-1 11-12 |
Ira Wells |
ENG364Y5Y 20th-Century American Literature |
0101 | TU TH |
2-3 1-3 |
Ira Wells |
ENG366H5F Slave Narratives |
0101 | W | 6-9 | Jeannine DeLombard |
ENG370H5S Postcolonial and Transnational Discourses |
0101 | M W |
1-3 2-3 |
Stanka Radovic |
ENG384H5S Literature and Psychoanalysis |
0101 | M | 6-9 | Mari Ruti |
ENG389Y5Y Creative Writing |
0101 | TH | 3-5 | Richard Greene |
400-Level Courses
400-level courses are open to students who have successfully completed at least 9.0 credits, including at least 5.0 ENG credits.
Course | Section | Day | Time | Instructor |
ENG414H5S Female Geniuses: Klein, Woolf, Baker, de Beauvoir |
0101 | W | 5-7 | Mari Ruti |
ENG434H5S Privacy in America (Advanced Studies: American and Transnational Literatures) |
0101 | W | 3-5 | Jeannine DeLombard |
ENG435H5F David Foster Wallace |
0101 | TH | 4-6 | Ira Wells |
ENG460H5S Shakespeare and the Staging of Meaning |
0101 | M | 3-5 | Leslie Thomson |
ENG461H5S - [CANCELLED] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight |
0101 | Tu | 2-4 | Alexandra Gillespie |
ENG470H5F Video Games and Narrative |
0101 | W | 3-5 | Lawrence Switzky |
Other English Courses
ENG390Y5Y Individual Studies
A scholarly project chosen by the student and supervised by a faculty member. The form of the project and the manner of its execution will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor by May 15 (RM 289 North Building). Proposal forms are available in Room 289, North Building or attached here

Exclusion: ENG490Y5
Prerequisite: 3.0 credits in English
ENG391Y5Y Individual Studies (Creative)
A project in creative writing chosen by the student and supervised by a faculty member. The form of the project and the manner of its execution will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor by May 15 (RM 289 North Building). Proposal forms are available in Room 289, North Building or attached here

Prerequisite: 3.0 credits in English, including ENG369Y5
ENG299Y5 Research Opportunity Program
This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time.
Prerequistie: 1.0 credit of ENG110Y/ENG140Y/DRE121H5/ENG121H5/DRE122H5/ENG122H5 OR 4.0 credits.
ENG399Y5 Research Opportunity Program
For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled will become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time.
Prerequisite: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.