*The Course Schedules below are subject to change pending enrolment pattern changes. Detailed course descriptions by instructors are added when available and are also subject to change.
**Please consult the Registrar's Time Table for mode of delivery for courses.
[ DRE121H5F | DRE122H5S | DRE200H5F | DRE201H5S | DRE222H5S | DRE226H5S | DRE342H5S | DRE356H5S | DRE362H5F | DRE363H5S | DRE366H5F| DRE420H5F | DRE422H5S ]
Course Title: Traditions of Theatre and Drama
Course Code: DRE121H5F | Lecture MW 11-12 | Tutorials M 12-1, M 2-3
Instructor: Holger Syme
An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama from the classical period to the 19th century in its performance context. May include later works influenced by historical forms and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of production. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as ENG121H5.
Exclusion: DRM100Y1; ENG125Y1
Course Title: Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
Instructor: Lawrence Switzky
Course Code: DRE122H5S | Lecture MW 10-11 | Tutorials W 12-1, W 1-2
An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama from the late 19th century to the present in its performance context. May include film adaptations and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of productions. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as ENG122H5.
Exclusion: DRM100Y1; ENG125Y1
Course Title: Canadian Theatre History
Course Code: DRE200H5F | Lecture M 11-1, W 11-12
Instructor: Signy Lynch
A survey of the history of theatre in Canada, with particular emphasis on developments since the mid-20th century.
Exclusion: DRM268H1
Prerequisite: DRE/ENG121H5 and ENG122H5, or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Course Title: Acting
Course Code: DRE201H5S | Lecture T 11-12 | PRA R 11-1, R 2-4
Instructor: Autumn Smith
A practical introduction to the art and craft of performance, intended for students with little or no previous experience or training. The course uses a range of acting exercises to teach critical thinking, active listening, specificity of action, intention of thought and team building. Students will engage in text analysis, collective creation, storytelling, physical and vocal exercises, and character development, in the process cultivating skills transferable to their chosen career path. This course is ideally suited for any student seeking to enhance their interpersonal and presentation skills.
Exclusion: DRS121H5 or DRS122H5
Course Title: The Performance Text
Course Code: DRE222H5S | Lecture M 1-3, W 1-2
Instructor: Jacob Gallagher-Ross
An introduction to the techniques of dramaturgical analysis, through the study of a range of texts to which students might be exposed as theatre practitioners and audience members. Focus will be on the relationship between the performance event and its associated written text. Examples will emphasize modern and contemporary drama, as well as a range of styles, and will include one or more Theatre Erindale productions, and other appropriate productions, as well as a practical workshop component.
Exclusion: DRE240H5, 242H5, 244H5, 246H5
Prerequisite: DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5 or permission of U of T Mississauga program director.
Group n/a
Detailed Description by Instructor:
In this class, we’ll investigate the relationship between dramatic texts and theatrical performance. Every play is both a literary work and a blueprint for potential productions. They can be read closely like other texts; but reading plays also demands special skills. We’re not just reading what’s there, but for what could be there: the performance possibilities that might be realized onstage. No production can ever capture every shade of a play's meaning, or every potential interpretation — but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to see as much as we can. This class will be an exercise in noticing the telling details that lead to original readings — whether in a paper or a production —and in testing those readings with performance. We’ll therefore approach dramaturgical analysis and performance on parallel tracks. As scholars, we'll read, interpret and write critically about a range of modern and contemporary plays. As performers, we'll stage theatrical investigations that bring those critical readings to life.
Selected Major Readings: Plays by Buchner, Ibsen, Beckett, Fornes, Drury, Birch.
First Three Texts/Authors to be Studied: Fuchs, "EF's Visit to a Small Planet"; Buchner, Woyzeck; Ibsen, Hedda Gabler.
Method of Instruction: lecture, class discussion, workshop sessions
Method of Evaluation: performance projects, three short essays, participation, creative projects.
Course Title: Shakespeare in the Theatre
Course Code: DRE226H5S | Lecture MW 11-12 PRA W 2-4
Instructor: Holger Syme
This course introduces students to Shakespeare's plays as works of theatre. We will study the spaces and performance practices for which these texts were originally written and explore how subsequent generations of theatre makers approached, adapted and repurposed them for different performance venues and styles, and from different aesthetic, cultural and political perspectives, from the 17th century to our own time, in Britain, North America, and beyond the English-speaking world. The course will include screenings of select landmark productions.
Exclusion: DRE221Y5
Prerequisite: Open to students who have successfully completed DRE121H5 or ENG121H5; and DRE122H5 or ENG122H5.
Group n/a
Course Title: Studies in 20th Century Performance Styles
Course Code: DRE342H5S | Lecture M 3-5
Instructor: Keira Mayo
A seminar on a topic chosen by the instructor, having a particular focus on 20th century theories of performance. Includes optional practical workshop component.
Prerequisite: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.
Group n/a
Course Title: Theory of Drama
Course Code: DRE356H5S | Lecture F 11-1
Instructor: Martin Revermann
A study of theories of drama, theatre and performance, with a special emphasis on semiotics. Topics will include the relationship between theatre and other modes of social interaction (the fashion show, the political convention), theatre and other performing arts, and theatre/drama as a literary genre. May include one or more Theatre Erindale and other productions in the syllabus.
Prerequisite: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.
Group n/a
Course Title: Playwriting
Course Code: DRE362H5F | Lecture F 5-8
Instructor: Anusree Roy
An introduction to the art and craft of writing for the stage. Through a variety of practical exercises, students will be encouraged to explore the unique properties of the theatrical environment. Topics for investigation will include general issues (such as language, plot structure, characterization, metaphor and symbolism, etc.) as well as issues specific to the theatrical context (such as theatrical time and space, movement, engagement with an audience, relationship to other theatre practitioners, etc.). The class will involve writing in and out of class, as well as exercises in effective and constructive critique of one another's work.
Prerequisite: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; permission of instructor. Admission to this limited enrolment course will be determined by the evaluation of a portfolio to be submitted by May 15 for an "F" course, by November 1 for an "S" course. Contact the Department for further information.
Course Title: Workshop in Playwrighting
Course Code: DRE363H5S | Lecture W 2-5
Instructor: TBD
This course is a continued exploration in writing for the stage for students who have already written one act or solo plays. Participant playwrights will complete a full-length play, incorporate complex structures and anti-structure, and advance their voices and skills as playwrights. The class will workshop scenes and prepare staged readings of participant work. A major focus of this course will be processes of development and revision while working with directors, actors, dramaturgs, and other collaborators.
Prerequisites: A minimum of 4.0 credits, including ( DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and ( DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and DRE362H5 and permission of instructor. A portfolio submission may be required at the instructor’s discretion, contact the undergraduate advisor for portfolio requirements and submission deadlines.
Group n/a
Course Title: Women in Theatre
Course Code: DRE366H5F | Lecture W 12-2
Instructor: Diana Manole
Topics in the history of women in English-language theatre. Topics will vary from year to year, depending on available faculty. May include a practical workshop component.
Prerequisite: 4.0 credits including at least 1.0 Humanities
Recommended Preparation: DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5
Group n/a
Course Title: Senior Seminar I (TBD)
Course Code: DRE420H5F | Lecture F 11-1
Instructor: Natasha Vashist
A senior research seminar in Theatre and Performance. Topic will vary with instructor.
Prerequisite: 9 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200H5/222H5; or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Group n/a
Course Title: Senior Seminar II (Restaging the Canon)
Course Code: DRE422H5S | Lecture M 1-3
Instructor: Holger Syme
A senior research seminar in Theatre and Performance. Topic will vary with instructor.
Prerequisite: 9 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200H5/222H5; or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Group n/a