Practice makes perfect. Remember, your Media Relations Specialist is here to help you prepare and practice.
Set The Scene
Determine where you will set up your camera for the interview:
- Background – choose a room with no distractions, e.g. partners, kids or pets moving through your frame. Tidy up the space behind you or consider blurring your background or using an image of the university. Contact the Office of Communications if you need an appropriate background image.
- Lighting – choose a location with good lighting, preferably near a window. Make sure the light isn't overwhelming or cast dark shadows.
- Camera angle – position your screen so it is tightly framed on your entire head, neck and upper shoulders. The camera should be at eye level when you are sitting up straight.
Test Your Technology
- There are many different virtual meeting tools, make sure you know which platform the reporter is using.
- Check your internet connectivity and ensure your microphone and camera are working.
- Ensure your device is fully charged.
- Practice with your Media Relations Specialist or a friend to test your set up before the interview.
- If your media interview is being held with other faculty, practice together ahead of time. Talk about each team member’s specific role during the interview.
- Log on a few minutes early to make sure everything is working well and set up before you go live.
During The Interview
- Assume the camera and mic are always on. Even if you don’t see yourself on the view setting you’re using, it doesn’t mean others don’t see you. Everything you say is on the record.
- Sit up straight in front of the camera.
- Body language – use appropriate facial expressions and body language.
- Dress as you would for an in-person interview.
- Know the reporter, media outlet and audience, and have your key messages prepared and practiced.
- It’s okay to jot down a few notes.
- Anticipate and know how you want to answer tough questions.
- Tell the truth – it’s okay to say you don’t know the answer and you’ll get back to the reporter with the information.
- Never speculate or make up an answer.