UTM's strategic framework
Read about the University of Toronto Mississauga's Focus, Priorities, and Commitments developed collaboratively between July 2020 and February 2022.

News, stories, magazines, podcasts
- News Stories, main news feed for UTM
- Express, UTM Weekly Faculty/Staff E-Newsletter
- U of T Magazine, U of T annual magazine
- M Magazine, (archived) UTM magazine
- The Bulletin Brief, U of T E-Newsletter sent out each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Podcasts, UTM Podcast hub

- All-faculty/all-staff e-mail message (reserved for high-level, campus-wide information. Requires approval from the Office of the VPP (e-mail Patricia Lonergan, Office of Communications)
- All-student email message (Visit the Office of the Registrar's website)
- All-grad student e-mail message (Visit the Office of the Dean's website)
- Manage your Listserv subscriptions. You can subscribe to a listserv by sending an email to listserv@listserv.utoronto.ca with a blank subject and the body containing "subscribe CMS-UTM-L" for example:
- Join the ErinComm Listserv (for general UTM activities)
- Join the UTM Communications Listserv (for those with a communications lense)
- Join the CMS Listserv (for web editors)
- UTM Alumni e-blasts (e-mail Melissa Heide, Office of Advancement)
- Communications specific to UTM residence (e-mail Jessica Huang, Student Housing & Residence Life)

Contact us
Meet our team of experts ranging from Leadership, Issues Management and Media Relations. Contact our Editorial Hub, consult with a Strategist for your website, or talk to one of our Social Media experts. Also, visit our A-Z Index page to find more services and resources.