Workshops for Graduate Students

A collage of students at different workshops with a green overlay and an RGASC logo.

Winter 2024 Workshops

We also offer workshops on demand, so you and your colleagues can request a particular workshop and we'll do our best to arrange it for you. More graduate support workshops are coming soon.

Managing Emotional and Structural Pressures while Writing

Date and Time: Thursday, March 14 from 12pm – 1pm

Location: Online via Zoom

Presenters: Mark Blaauw-Hara, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy

Description: Writing is hard, and it’s not just a matter of putting words on a page. Successful writing also involves dealing with emotional pressures (imposter syndrome, self-doubt, anxiety) and structural pressures (writer’s block, time management, developing an effective process). This workshop will normalize these experiences and share research and techniques to manage the pressure.


Rhetorical Genre Analysis: How to Use Dissertations/Theses as Models for Your Writing

Date and Time: Thursday, March 21 from 12pm – 1pm

Location: Online via Zoom

Presenters: Mark Blaauw-Hara, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy

Description: While it is relatively easy to find models of successful dissertations/theses, it can be challenging to know how to apply them to your own work. This workshop introduces the concept of rhetorical genre analysis: a method for systematically analyzing models to craft a guide for your own writing.


Tips and Processes for Revision and Editing

Date and Time: Thursday, March 28 from 12pm – 1pm

Location: Online via Zoom

Presenters: Mark Blaauw-Hara, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy

Description: Revising and editing your work isn’t just checking spelling and grammar. Good revision involves thinking about your message and your readers and making decisions to clarify your meaning. It also involves using language and structures that fit your academic community. This workshop will share tips and processes to help you improve your revision and editing methods.


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