The Psychology Thesis Course provides advanced undergraduate students with an opportunity to conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a faculty member, culminating in a written thesis. Students enrolled in the thesis course (PSY400Y) also attend weekly meetings to discuss: (a) general topics important to conducting research; (b) student research proposals; and (c) the outcomes of research projects.
Independent research supervised by individual faculty members. Seminars on general topics relevant to the conduct of independent research, student research proposals, and the presentation of findings.
Interested students due to enter their fourth (or final) year in the next academic year can apply to the department directly. Admission is based on academic merit, the completion of PSY202H (or equivalent), at least 0.5 in advanced laboratory or research courses in Psychology at the 300 or 400 level (e.g., PSY courses ending in "9" at the 300 or 400 level, and PSY403) and last AGPA of 3.2 (varies from year to year and is rarely below 3.4). Typically, thesis students are enrolled in the Psychology Specialist program, however, students enrolled in the Major program who have a strong academic record are also welcome to apply.
Carefully check to ensure that you have the pre-requisites described above. Under some circumstances, and only with special permission, a student who has an outstanding academic record but who has not completed all of the prerequisites may be permitted to complete the prerequisites concurrently with the thesis course.
Applicants MUST obtain approval from a faculty supervisor before submitting an application.
Important Note: Entry to the course is competitive. Satisfaction of minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the course.
Students formally apply by submitting an application.
Application Deadline: April 25, 2025
- Students will be notified if selected to enroll in this course by early June.
- For more information, please contact the
For more information on what a Thesis entails as well as other opportunities for gaining research experience at UTM, click HERE.