Programs Offered

The Department of Psychology at UTM offers four areas of specialization, Psychology, Neuroscience, Exceptionality in Human Learning and Forensic Psychology. 

The Department of Psychology offers research-based BSc programs that focus on the structure and organization of behaviour in humans and animals. As a science program, we adopt an objective approach in which the study of behaviour is grounded in empirical evidence.

Psychology is the science that examines the structure and function of behaviour in humans and animals. It is concerned with the processes by which behaviour is acquired, maintained, and developed through adaptive interaction with the physical and social aspects of the environment. Emphasis is on the genetic, physiological, sensory, cognitive, developmental, and social structures that mediate behaviour.

Among the topics covered by Psychology courses are life-span developmental changes in behaviour, modes of sensing, perceiving and responding to the environment, language and cognition, the origins and implications of drives, motives, conflicts and emotions, and the wide variety of individual and species differences that are produced by differences in genetic background, physiology and past experience.

Psychological science strives to achieve the highest levels of rigor and objectivity in its study of behaviour by relying upon an extensive array of scientific methodologies and instrumentation. Because Psychology is concerned with the behaviour of all organisms, the study of animal behaviour constitutes an important part of many Psychology courses. An intensive examination of empirical research findings is paramount in the Psychology curriculum.