Congratulations to Konstantinos Papazoglou (Judith Anderen's graduate student) for winning the Harry and Miriam Levinson Scholarship!
For details:
From Floon or Fleen to NYC: Symbolic sound demystified:
In a study published online April 15 in the journal, Cognition, Sam Maglio, a professor of marketing at the University of Toronto Scarborough and the Rotman School of Management, and Cristina Rabaglia, a research fellow in psychology at the University of Toronto Mississauga, demonstrate that people intuitively associate front vowel sounds...
Details at:
Dr. Andersen, Dr. Collins, and K. Papazoglou are now in the research advisory of "Badge of Life Canada."
Badge of Life Canada is a national non-profit organization that promotes resilience, health, stress, and trauma prevention among police officers and their family members.
Please see details at:

New University of Toronto study shows negative aging stereotypes affects hearing, memory
this is based on recently published paper by Kathy et all:
Chasteen, A., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Dupuis, K., Smith, S., & Singh, G. (2015). Do negative views of aginginfluence memory and auditory performance through self-perceived abilities? Psychology and Aging. [Epub ahead of print] Oct 19, 2015. PMID:26479016
Kathy Pichora-Fuller-Contributions to the WHO World Report on Aging & Health
Launched on the International Day of Older Persons (October 1, 2015). Electronic version of this report is available at the link below: |
Researches on Emotions in Children and Youth to help Educators, Parents and Policymakers
Professor Tina Malti (University of Toronto Mississauga) focuses her research on understading the psychological, biological and social causes of children's emotions.
Aging and the Cocktail Party Effect
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Dr. Bruce Schneider (University of Toronto) is studying age-related changes in hearing ability, and how these changes affect seniors' quality of life. |
New research from UTM finds link between music and memory
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New research from U of T Mississauga shows that humans display a preference for the human voice when it comes to creating new musical memories. |
UTM Graduate Student Research Award
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Congratulations to our very own Bonnie Le who was selected to receive this year's UTM Graduate Student Research Award. |
Kids who lack sympathy more likely to share with virtuous friends.
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Psychology postdoctoral student Antonio Zuffianò is the lead author in this press release published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology |
In praise of bonding
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Assistant professor of psychology Loren Martin reveals that both people and mice feel greater empathy for someone they’ve bonded with rather than someone who is a complete stranger. |
Arctic ground squirrels pump up for the long winter
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New study with Prof. Ashley Monks and colleagues. Read more by clicking this link: |
UTM Undergraduate Research Grants
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Congratulations to Purvi Badani (supervisor Christine Burton), Magda Nowicki (supervisor Robert Gerlai) and Alyssa Saiphoo (supervisor Norm Farb) on being awarded UTM Undergraduate Research Grants. All three students are conducting undergraduate thesis research projects. |
JUST DO IT! Sex researchers have found a new way to keep the spark alive.
Toddlers "surprisingly sophisticated" at comprehending accents
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A study by Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, associate professor in the Department of Psychology, and Dr. Marieke van Heugten, former University of Toronto graduate student and now postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique in Paris, France, found that toddlers as young as 15 months old can quickly learn to comprehend accented speech after only hearing the speaker for a short time! |
2014 Academy Honours International Award in Hearing
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Professor Kathleen Pichora-Fuller is the recipient of the International Award in Hearing awarded by the American Academy of Audiology. To learn more about her work and details regarding the award, please visit: |
Four UTM researchers, Dr. Elizabeth Johnson being one of the four, among latest Canada Research Chairs.
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Elizabeth Johnson, associate professor in the Department of Psychology, was awarded a CRC in Spoken Language Acquisition. Johnson’s research seeks to understand how children acquire their native languages. To learn more about her work, please visit her Infant and Child Studies Website: |
Helping First Responders Heal Themselves
Vanier Victory for Konstantinos Papazoglou and Judith Andersen
Love's Labour's Won
APA Article - Trauma Division Newsletter by Student Member Konstantinos Papazoglou, PhD Student, HART Lab, UTM |
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American Psychological Association Newsletter, Trauma Psychology, Winter 2013, Vol.8, No.1 Interview with Atle Dyregrov, PhD by Konstantinos Papazoglou, MA: Page 12 |
Presentation featuring Professor Judith Andersen available online at the Royal Canadian Institute.
"Severe Stress and Physical Health: The Mind-Body Connection"
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Both conventional wisdom and research evidence suggest that severe stress is unhealthy. Serious and sometimes debilitating mental health responses often follow trauma experiences such as combat exposure, assault or a serious motor vehicle accident. More recently, evidence shows that stress can impact our physical health as well. I examine factors that may change the relationship between stress and health, such as the age of exposure, the type of traumatic experience, and sociocultural supports that may buffer the mind-body effects of stress. [presentation can be viewed at - click on the webcast tab and scroll to the 'winter 2013' webcasts]. |