Archived Courses Outlines

Fall 2022


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I M. Stollstorff
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology M. Muren
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology S. Walker
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality Science U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind C. Burton
PSY274H5 Language, Mind, and Brain E. Pettibone

Introduction to Neuroscience 

J. Ellegood
PSY309H5 L0101 

Experimental Design and Theory

N. Farb
PSY309H5 L0102 

Experimental Design and Theory

N. Farb
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY315H5 Language Development R. AL Janaideh

Social Psychology: Attitudes

S. Buono
PSY321H5 Cross-cultural Psychology H. Ganapathy-Coleman

The Science of Wellbeing

S. Walker
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker

Health Psychology

J. Chan
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy E. Carlson
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: Neuroscience Perspectives T. Grieder
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder

Animal Behaviour Genetics

R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

J. Saito
PSY385H5 Human Factors: Applying Perceptual and Cognitive Research to the World B. Wolfe
PSY392H5 Behavioural Epigenetics I. Zovkic
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai


E. Impett 

Special Topics in Developmental Psychology

S. Ronfard
PSY440H5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology J. Andersen
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY471H5 Special Topics in Cognition A. Kosovicheva
PSY474H5 Special Topics in Human Communication E. Johnson
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience M. Holmes

Summer 2022 Term 2 


Introduction to Developmental Psychology 

M. Muren

Introduction to Social Psychology

D. Urbszat

Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind

K. Fukuda
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology J. Steininger

Summer 2022 Term 1


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker

Introduction to Neuroscience 

B. Beston

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

J. Chung 

Children's Thinking: Cognitive Development in a Social World

C. Burton
PSY317H5 Gender and Sexual Development  L. MacMullin 

Psychology of Intimate Relationships

E. Impett 

Psychology of Emotion 

R. AL Janaideh 
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

C. Tozios 

Spring 2022


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II M. Strollstroff
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology E. Johnson
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology D. Urbszat 
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N. Farb
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind C. Burton

Sensation and Perception: Where the World Meets the Brain

A. Kosovicheva 

Introduction to Neuroscience 

B. Beston

Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

J. Chung 
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky

Children's Thinking: Cognitive Development in a Social World

S. Ronfard 
PSY315H5 Language Development C. der Nederlanden

Developmental Psychology Laboratory

S. Ronfard 

Social Psychology: Attitudes

W. Huggon

Cross-cultural Psychology

H. Ganapathy-Coleman

The Science of Wellbeing

U. Schimmack
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker

Psychology and the Law

D. Urbszat 

Social/Personality Laboratory 

E. Carlson

Psychology of Emotion 

J. Stellar 

Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders

J. Andersen

Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents 

T. Malti 
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky

Animal Behaviour

R. Gerlai

Social Neuroscience

M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder

Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory

A. Monks

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

C. Tozios 
PSY374H5 Psycholinguistics C. Chambers 
PSY379H5 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory  K. Fukuda
PSY384H5 Speech Perception and Production  T. St. Pierre 
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology C. Burton


E. Impett 
PSY402H5 Systems of Psychology  B. Wolfe

Special Topics in Social Psychology

J. Chung 
PSY430H5 Special Topics in Personality  U. Schimmack
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY471H5 Special Topics in Cognition  A. Kosovicheva 

Fall 2021


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology H. Ganapathy-Coleman
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology J. Stellar
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind C. Burton

Introduction to Neuroscience 

B. Beston
PSY309H5 PRA9101

Experimental Design and Theory

N. Farb
PSY309H5 PRA9201

Experimental Design and Theory

E. Carlson
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY315H5 Language Development T. St. Pierre

Social Psychology: Attitudes

W. Huggon

The Science of Wellbeing

S. Walker
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY327H5 Psychology of Intimate Relationships R. Horne

Psychology and the Law

W. Huggon

Health Psychology

J. Andersen
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy M. Ayoub
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: Neuroscience Perspectives T. Grieder
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder

Animal Behaviour Genetics

R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition A. Hernandez
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes C. Burton

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

K. Fukuda
PSY392H5 Behavioural Epigenetics T. Grieder
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology A. Kosovicheva
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai


E. Impett 

Special Topics in Developmental Psychology

S. Ronfard
PSY440H5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY480H5 Special Topics in Perception B. Beston
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience M. Holmes

Summer 2021 Term 2

PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology S. Dys
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker 
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes W. Huggon
PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law D. Urbszat 
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J. Chan 
PSY372H5 Human Memory: The World within your Mind K. Fukuda 

Summer 2021 Term 1


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology E. Impett 
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind B. Wolfe

Introduction to Neuroscience 

B. Beston
PSY312H5 Children's Thinking: Cognitive Development in a Social World C. Burton
PSY327H5 Psychology of Intimate Relationships R. Horne 
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology A. Kosovicheva

Spring 2021


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II B. Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology S. Dys
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind K. Fukuda
PSY274H5 Language, Mind, and Brain C. Chambers
PSY280H5 Sensation and Perception: Where the World Meets the Brain C. Burton

Introduction to Neuroscience 

J. Ellegood
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood J. Chung

Social Psychology: Attitudes

W. Huggon
PSY321H5 Cross-cultural Psychology D. VanderLaan

The Science of Wellbeing

U. Schimmack
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY327H5 Psychology of Intimate Relationships E. Impett 

Psychology and the Law

D. Urbszat
PSY329H5 Social/Personality Lab S. Walker

Health Psychology

J. Andersen
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy N. Elsaadawy
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY352H5 Animal Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder
PSY369H5 Behavioural Neuroscience Lab L. Martin 
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes C. Burton
PSY372H5 Human Memory: The World within your Mind C. Tozios 
PSY374H5 Psycholinguistics C. Chambers
PSY379H5 Cognitive Psychology Lab K. Fukuda
PSY391H5 Psychology of Pain L. Martin 
PSY392H5 Behavioural Epigenetics I. Zovkic
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology I. Zovkic


D. VanderLaan
PSY410H5 Special Topics in Developmental Psychology D. Peragine
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky

Fall 2020


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat/J. Graham
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology D. VanderLaan
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology E. Impett 
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S. Walker
PSY270H5 Cognition: The Machinery of the Mind C. Burton

Introduction to Neuroscience 

J. Ellegood

Experimental Design and Theory

N. Elsaadawy
PSY311H5 Social Development W. Huggon
PSY315H5 Language Development F. Desmeules-Trudel

Social Psychology: Attitudes

W. Huggon

The Science of Wellbeing

S. Walker

Psychology and the Law

W. Huggon

Health Psychology

J. Andersen
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders S. Walker
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents S. Walker
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: Neuroscience Perspectives T. Grieder
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex T. Grieder

Animal Behaviour Genetics

R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin 

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

K. Fukuda
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology C. Burton
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai


D. VanderLaan
PSY440H5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Neuroscience M. Holmes


Summer 2020 Term 2


Introduction to Developmental Psycholog

S. Dys

Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

S. Walker

Social Psychology: Attitudes

W. Huggon

Psychology of the Self

S. Walker

Psychology and the Law

W. Huggon
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat

Human Memory: The World within your Mind 

K. Fukuda

Summer 2020 Term 1

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology E. Impett
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  C. Burton
PSY290H5 Introduction to Neuroscience  B. Beston
PSY327H5 Interpersonal Relationships M. Visserman
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology  C. Burton 

Spring 2020

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II B. Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology  E. Johnson
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology S. Walker
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology H. Morgan
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  K. Fukuda 
PSY274H5 Introduction to Psychology of Human Communication C. Chambers
PSY280H5 Sensation and Perception: Where the World Meets the Brain B. Beston
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology  B. Beston
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood J. Chung 
PSY311H5 Social Development J. Peplak
PSY312H5 Cognitive Development S. Ronfard
PSY319H5 Developmental Psychology Laboratory S. Ronfard
PSY324H5 The Science of Wellbeing U. Schimmack
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY327H5 Interpersonal Relationships E. Impett
PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law D. Urbszat
PSY329H5 Social/Personality Laboratory N. Farb
PSY331H5 Social Psychology of Emotion J. Stellar 
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J. Andersen
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology M. Holmes 
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex B. Beston
PSY369H5 Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory M. Holmes 
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes C. Burton 
PSY374H5 Psychology of Language C. Chambers 
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology  C. Burton 
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems H. Morgan
PSY400Y5 Thesis G. Schellenberg
PSY430H5 Special Topics in Personality U. Schimmack 
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Biological Psychology M. Ho

Fall Term 2019

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology  D. VanderLaan
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology J. Stellar
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N. Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  C. Burton 
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology  B. Beston
PSY309H5 Experimental Design and Theory N. Elsaadawy
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging M. Pichora-Fuller
PSY315H5 Language Development E. Johnson
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes S. Walker.
PSY324H5 The Science of Wellbeing S. Walker.
PSY327H5 Interpersonal Relationships E. Impett
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J. Andersen
PSY340H5 Adult Disorders  H. Morgan 
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children & Adolescents T. Malti
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: The Biological Paradigm B. Beston
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience J. Ellegood
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex A. Monks
PSY355H5 Animal Behaviour Genetics R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin
PSY372H5 Human Memory: The World within your Mind K. Fukuda
PSY384H5 Speech Perception and Production E. Johnson
PSY391H5 Psychology of Pain L. Martin
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology  C. Burton 
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour H. Morgan
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY400Y5 Thesis G. Schellenberg
PSY415H5 Special Topics in Adult Development and Aging M. Pichora-Fuller
PSY440H5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY480H5 Special Topics in Perception B. Beston

Summer Term 2

PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology  E. Impett
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology  S. Walker 
PSY317H5 Gender and Sexual Development  D. Peragine
PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law D. Urbszat
PSY372H5 Human Memory  K. Fukuda

Summer Term 1 

PSY100Y5F Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology  S. Dys
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  C. Burton 
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology  B. Beston
PSY311H5 Social Development  S. Kamenetsky
PSY340H5 Adult Disorders  H. Morgan 
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy  T. Colasante 
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology  C. Burton 

Spring 2019

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology W. Huggon
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II B.Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology  D. VanderLaan
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology  E. Impett
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology  S. Walker 
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  K. Fukuda 
PSY280H5 Perception  B. Beston
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology  B. Beston
PSY311H5 Social Development  S. Kamenetsky
PSY312H5  Cognitive Development  S. Ronfard
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition  E. Johnson
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes S. Walker
PSY321H5 Cross-cultural Psychology  D. VanderLaan
PSY324H5  The Science of Wellbeing U. Schimmack
PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law  S. Walker
PSY329H5  Social/Personality Laboratory  N. Farb
PSY331H5 Social Psychology of Emotion  J. Stellar
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy  T. Colasante 
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology  A. Lomanowska 
PSY352H5 Animal Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin 
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes  C. Burton 
PSY374H5 Psychology of Language  M. Daneman
PSY379H5  Cognitive Psychology Laboratory  M. Daneman 
PSY384H5 Speech Perception and Production   E. Johnson
PSY391H5  Psychology of Pain  L. Martin
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology  I. Zovkic
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems  A. Lomanowska
PSY399H5 Biopsychology Laboratory  A. Monks
PSY400Y5 Undergraduate Honours Thesis  G. Schellenberg
PSY410H5 SP Topics in Developmental Psychology  H. Morgan 
PSY430H5 SP Topics in Personality U. Schimmack 
PSY442Y5  Practicum in Exceptionality  S. Kamenetsky
PSY471H5 SP Topics in Cognitive Psychology  K. Fukuda
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Biological Psychology  M. Holmes

Fall 2018

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology B.Schneider
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology  E. Johnson 
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology  J. Stellar 
PSY230H5  Introduction to Personality  U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology  N. Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology M. Daneman
PSY274H5 Introduction to Human Communication C. Chambers 
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston
PSY309H5  Experimental Design and Theory M. Barranti
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY317H5 Gender and Sexual Development  D. VanderLaan 
PSY324H5 The Science of Well-Being  S. Walker 
PSY325H5  Psychology of the Self S. Walker 
PSY327H5 Interpersonal Relationships  E. Impett
PSY333H5  Health Psychology  J. Andersen
PSY340H5 Adult Disorders  H. Morgan
PSY341H5 Disorders of Children T. Malti 
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat 
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness  S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 The Biological Paradigm B. Beston
PSY353H5 Developmental Social Neuroscience  M. Holmes 
PSY354H5 Biopsychology of Sex A. Monks 
PSY372H5  Human Memory  K. Fukuda 
PSY392H5 Behavioural Epigenetics  I. Zovkic
PSY393H5  Human Neuropschology  I. Zovkic
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour  A. Lomanowska
PSY400Y5 Undergraduate Honours Thesis  G. Schellenberg
PSY420H5 Moral Psychology  J. Stellar 
PSY440H5 SP Topics in Abnormail Psychology  D. Urbszat 
PSY442Y5  Practicum in Exceptionality  S. Kamenetsky
PSY480H5 SP Topics in Pereption: Hearing  K. Pichora-Fuller

Summer 2018 - Term 2

PSY220H5 Introductory Social Psychology                          D. Urbszat
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology         S. Walker
PSY340H5 Adult Disorders  H. Morgan       
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat

Summer 2018 - Term 1

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology                                     D. Urbszat
PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental Psychology E. Johnson
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology  C. Burton
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological  Psychology B.Beston
PSY312H5 Cogntive Development H. Morgan
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S.Kamenetsky
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology J.Zimmermann

Spring 2018


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B.Schneider



Introduction to Developmental Psychology

Introduction to Social Psychology



PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S.Walker
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology K. Fukuda
PSY280H5 Introduction to Psychology of Human Communication B. Beston
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston    
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S. Walker
PSY311H5 Cognitive Development S.Kamenetsky
PSY317H5 Gender and Sexual Development D. Vanderlaan
PSY324H5 The Science of Wellbeing U.Schimmack  



Psychology of Self                                                        

Psychology and the Law

S. Walker

D. Urbszat

PSY329H5 Social/Personality Laboratory N. Farb
PSY331H5 Social Psychology of Emotion J.Stellar
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psych: Disorders of Children & Adolescence M. Aitken  
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy T.Colasante
PSY352H5 Animal Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience A.Lomanowska
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex B. Beston
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin



Higher Cognitive Processes

Psychology of Language



PSY379H5 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory M.Daneman
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology I.Zovkic
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour S.Mahabir
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems A.Lomanowska
PSY399H5 Biopsychology Laboratory A.Monks
PSY410H5 Special Topics in Developmental Psychology G.Schellenberg

 PSY420H5  Special Topics in Social Psychology                                E.Impett

 PSY442Y5  Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning               S. Kamenetsky

 PSY474H5  Special Topics in Human Communication                        B.Schneider

Fall 2017


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat



Research Design and Analysis in Psychology

Introduction to Developmental Psychology



PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology J.Stellar
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality S. Walker
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N.Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology M. Daneman
PSY274H5 Introduction to Psychology of Human Communication C. Chambers    
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston
PSY309H5 Experimental Design and Theory E. Carlson
PSY312H5 Cognitive Development H. Morgan
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging K.Pichora-Fuller
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition A.Nyhout
PSY321H5 Cross-Cultural Psychology D. VanderLaan  



Interpersonal Relationships

Health Psychology



PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders H. Morgan
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: The Biological Paradigm B.Beston
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology A. Lomanowska
PSY355H5 Animal Behaviour Genetics R. Gerlai
PSY372H5 Human Memory K. Fukuda
PSY387H5 Psychology of Music G. Schellenberg
PSY391H5 Psychology of Pain L. Martin
PSY392H5 Behavioural Epigenetics I. Zovkic
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY400Y5 Thesis G. Schellenberg
PSY440Y5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology                       D. Urbszat



Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning

Special Topics in Perception

          S. Kamenetsky


PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Biological Psychology                  L. Martin

Summer 2017 - 2nd Term


Intro. to Developmental Psychology

M. Paquette-Smith
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C. Burton


Forensic Psychology

D. Urbszat

PSY372H5 Human Memory J.Zimmerman                                       

 PSY393H5  Human Neuropsychology                    E.Jeffay

Summer 2017 - 1st Term


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology S. Walker


Introduction to Physiological Psychology

B. Beston

PSY311H5 Social Development S.Kamenetsky
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J.Andersen
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology H. Morgan

Spring 2017


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I G. Schellenberg


Introduction to Developmental Psychology


PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology S.Walker
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology K. Fukuda
PSY274H5 Introduction to Psychology of Human Communication C. Chambers
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston    
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S. Walker
PSY311H5 Cognitive Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY319H5 Developmental Psychology Laboratory M. Paquette-Smith
PSY321H5 Cross-cultural Psychology D. VanderLaan
PSY324H5 Psychology of the Self U. Schimmack  



Psychology of the Self

Interpersonal Relationships

S. Walker

S. Walker

PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law D. Urbszat
PSY329H5 Social/Personality Laboratory N. Farb
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J.Andersen
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders H. Morgan
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents M. Aitken  
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy E.Carlson
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology M. Holmes
PSY352H5 Animal Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience M.Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex B. Beston
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L. Martin
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology E.Jeffay
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems T. Pollock
PSY399H5 Psychobiology Laboratory A. Monks
PSY430H5 Special Topics in Personality U. Schimmack
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY480H5 Special Topics in Perceptions B. Beston

Fall 2016


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I E.Carlson


Introduction to Developmental Psychology


PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology J.Stellar
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U.Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N.Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology M.Daneman
PSY280H5 Perception B. Beston    
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psycholog B. Beston
PSY309H5 Experimental Design and Theory E.Carlson
PSY312H5 Cognitive Development H. Morgan
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition A.Nyhout
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes S.Walker  



Health Psychology

Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders



PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disabilities and Giftedness S.Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: Bio Paradigm B.Beston
PSY355H5 Animal Behaviour Genetics R.Gerlai  
PSY372H5 Human Memory J.Zimmerman
PSY374H5 Psychology of Language C.Chambers
PSY387H5 Psychology of Music G.Schellenberg
PSY391H5 Psychology of Pain L. Martin
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour A.Monks
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour  R.Gerlai
PSY400H5 Thesis E.Johnson
PSY420H5 Special Topic: Social Psychology D.Urbszat
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY474H5 Special Topics in Human Communications C.Chambers
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics Biological Psychology M.Holmes

Spring 2016


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology II B.Schneider


Introduction to Developmental Psychology


PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology D.Urbszat
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology H.Morgan
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C.Burton
PSY274H5 Psychology of Language C.Chambers    
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S.Walker
PSY312H5 Cognitive Development H. Morgan
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging K.Pichora-Fuller
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition C.Chambers  



Developmental Neuropsychology

Developmental Psychology Laboratory


M. Paquette-Smith

PSY321H5 Cross Cultural Psychology D. Vanderlaan
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self E.Carlson
PSY327H5 Interpersonal Relationships S.Walker
PSY328H5  Psychology and the Law W.Huggon
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J.Andersen
PSY340H5   Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders N.Farb
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents           K.Epstein-Gilboa
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy E.Carlson
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology A. Hernandez
PSY353H5 Social Neuroscience A.Lomanowska
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex B.Beston  
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition L.Martin
PSY372H5 Human Memory C.Burton
PSY379H5 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory M. Daneman
PSY393H5 Human Neural Psychology I. Zovkic
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems A.Lomanowska
PSY399H5 Psychobiology Laboratory A.Monks
PSY400H5 Thesis M.L. Smith
PSY415H5 Special Topics: Adult Development and Aging K.Pichora-Fuller
PSY440Y5 Special Topices in Abnormal Psychology C.Roncadin
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY474H5 Special Topics in Human Communications B.Schneider


Fall 2015


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider


Introduction to Developmental Psychology

T. Malti

PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology S. Walker
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N. Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C. Burton
PSY280H5 Perception B. Beston
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston
PSY309H5 Experimental Design and Theory E. Carlson
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S. Walker
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition C. Chambers
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes W. Huggon
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY333H5 Health Psychology J.Andersen
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders H. Morgan
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: The Biological Paradigm B. Beston
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex A. Monks
PSY355H5 Animal Behaviour Genetics R. Gerlai
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes C. Burton
PSY374H5 Psychology of Language M.Daneman
PSY385H5 Hearing and Hearing Disorders K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY387H5 Music Perception and Cognition G. Schellenberg
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology I. Zovkic
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour A. Monks
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY400Y5 Thesis (SCI EXP) M. L. Smith
PSY420H5 SP in Social Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Biological Psychology A. Lomanowska

Summer 2015 - 2nd Term 

PSY210H5 Introduction to Developmental  M. Paquette-Smith 
PSY290H5  Introduction to Physiological Psych E. Akbari 
PSY312H5  Cognitive Development  H. Morgan 
PSY341H5  Disorders of Children  K. Epstein-Gilboa 
PSY344H5  Forensic Psychology  D. Urbszat

Summer 2015 - 1st Term

PSY100Y5 Introductory Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology E. Impett
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C. Burton
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY325H5  Psychology of the Self W. Huggon
PSY395H5  Hormones and Behaviour A. Swift-Gallant

Spring 2015


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY202H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider


Introduction to Developmental Psychology

J. Platinga

PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology T. Grieder
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C. Burton
PSY274H5 Introduction to Psychology of Human Communication C. Chambers
PSY280H5 Perception B. Beston
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston    
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S. Walker
PSY311H5 Social Development S. Kamenetsky
PSY312H5 Cognitive Development H. Morgan
PSY313H5 Adult Development and Aging K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY315H5 Language Acquisition J. Platinga
PSY319H5 Developmental Psychology Laboratory G. Schellenberg
PSY321H5 Cross-cultural Psychology S. Walker
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self S. Walker
PSY328H5 Psychology and the Law W. Huggon
PSY329H5 Social/Personality Laboratory U. Schimmack
PSY333H5 Health Psychology ">T. Borsook
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders H. Morgan
PSY341H5 Abnormal Psychology: Disorders of Children and Adolescents ">J. Lake
PSY351H5 Evolutionary Psychology M. Holmes
PSY352H5 Animal Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY353H5 Developmental Social Neuroscience M. Holmes
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex B. Beston
PSY371H5 Higher Cognitive Processes C. Burton
PSY387H5 Psychology of Music G. Schellenberg
PSY393H5 Human Neuropsychology I. Zovkic
PSY399H5 Psychobiology Laboratory A. Monks
PSY400Y5 Thesis M. L. Smith
PSY415H5 Special Topics in Adult Development and Aging K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY420H5 Special Topics in Social Psychology E. Impett
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky

Fall 2014


Introductory Psychology

D. Urbszat
PSY201H5 Research Design and Analysis in Psychology I B. Schneider


Introduction to Developmental Psychology

T. Malti

PSY220H5 Introduction to Social Psychology E. Impett
PSY230H5 Introduction to Personality U. Schimmack
PSY240H5 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology N. Farb
PSY270H5 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology C. Burton
PSY290H5 Introduction to Physiological Psychology B. Beston
PSY309H5 Experimental Design and Theory E. Carlson
PSY310H5 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood S. Walker
PSY318H5 Developmental Neuropsychology A. Di Batisata
PSY320H5 Social Psychology: Attitudes W. Huggon
PSY325H5 Psychology of the Self W. Huggon
PSY340H5 Abnormal Psychology: Adult Disorders H. Morgan
PSY343H5 Theories of Psychotherapy K. Epstein-Gilboa
PSY344H5 Forensic Psychology D. Urbszat
PSY345H5 Exceptionality: Disability and Giftedness S. Kamenetsky
PSY346H5 Abnormal Psychology: The Biological Paradigm B. Beston
PSY354H5 The Biopsychology of Sex A. Monks
PSY355H5 Animal Behaviour Genetics R. Gerlai
PSY362H5 Animal Cognition B. Beston
PSY372H5 Human Memory T. Bancroft
PSY374H5 Psychology of Language T. Bitan
PSY385H5 Hearing and Hearing Disorders K. Pichora-Fuller
PSY395H5 Hormones and Behaviour A. Monks
PSY397H5 Neuroplasticity and Behaviour R. Gerlai
PSY398H5 Motivational Systems E. Akbari
PSY400Y5 Thesis M. L. Smith
PSY440H5 Special Topics in Abnormal Psychology C. Roncadin
PSY442Y5 Practicum in Exceptionality in Human Learning S. Kamenetsky
PSY490H5 Advanced Topics in Biological Psychology M. Holmes