Substitute Assignments for Experimental Credit

Students wishing NOT to participate in an experiment can complete substitute assignments for credit. Below are the list of available Substitute Assignments.

  • Deadline: typically close to the last day of the term for Summer, Fall, and Winter terms respectively.
  • Deadline for PSY100 and PSY201: June 10th 2024


Review the available Substitute Assignments below. 

Once complete, email the assignment to

You MUST use your 'utoronto' email account. ONE ASSIGNMENT PER EMAIL. 

SUBJECT LINE: Substitute Assignment - LAB NAME
BODY OF EMAIL: student number, name and course


Please find attached my substitute assignment

Student Number:994442222
Student Name: Joe Smith

Important Note: answering assignment questions using words directly from the article is plagiarism.

From the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters:
It shall be an offence for a student knowingly: to commit plagiarism; to represent as one's own any idea or expression of an idea or work of another in any academic examination or term test or in connection with any other form of academic work. 

How Not to Plagiarize