Please see below for a collection of books published and edited by our faculty.
Jump to specific faculty member:
- Ronald Beiner
- Steven Bernstein
- Ana Maria Bejarano
- Randy Besco
- Aurel Braun
- Richard B. Day
- Lee Ann Fujii
- Andrea Olive
- Edward Schatz
- Alison Smith
- Graham White
- David Wolfe
Canadian Political Philosophy
by Ronald Beiner
Civil Religion: A Dialogue in the History of Political Philosophy
by Ronald Beiner
Kant and Political Philosophy: The Contemporary Legacy
by Ronald Beiner
Philosophy in a Time of Lost Spirit: Essays on Contemporary Theory
by Ronald Beiner
Political Philosophy: What It Is and Why It Matters
by Ronald Beiner
Theorizing Citizenship
by Ronald Beiner
Theorizing Nationalism
by Ronald Beiner
What's the Matter with Liberalism?
by Ronald Beiner
The Compromise of Liberal Environmentalism
by Steven Bernstein
The Extreme Right: Freedom and Security At Risk
by Aurel Braun
Cold War Capitalism: The View from Moscow, 1945-1975
by Richard B. Day

Democratic Theory and Technological Society
by Richard B. Day, Ronald Beiner, Joseph Masciulli

Discovering Imperialism: Social Democracy to World War I
Edited by Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido

Globalization and Political Ethics
Edited by Richard B. Day and Joseph Masciulli

Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation
by Richard B. Day

Responses to Marx's Capital: From Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin
Edited by Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido

Selected Writings on the State and the Transition to Socialism
by N. Bukharin (Author), Richard B. Day (Author), Stephen F. Cohen (Author), Ken Coates (Author), Edited by Richard B. Day
The Crisis and the Crash: Soviet Studies of the West (1917-1939)
by Richard B. Day

The Decline of Capitalism
by E.A. Preobrazhensky (Author), Translated and Edited by Richard B. Day

The Preobrazhensky Papers: Archival Documents and Materials. Volume I: 1886-1920
by Mikhail M. Gorinov (Editor) and Richard B. Day (Editor & Translator)

The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 2
Edited by Richard B. Day, Mikhail Gorinov and Sergei Tsakunov; Translated by Richard B. Day

The Preobrazhensky Papers, Volume 3
Edited by Richard B. Day, Mikhail Gorinov and Sergei Tsakunov; Translated by Richard B. Day

Trotskij e Stalin: Lo scontro sull'economia
by Richard B. Day

Witnesses to Permanent Revolution: The Documentary Record
Edited by Richard B. Day and Daniel Gaido

Show Time: The Logic and Power of Violent Display
by Lee Ann Fujii
To read Edward Schatz's tribute to Lee Ann Fujii and this posthumously published book, click here.
The Canadian Environment in Political Context
by Andrea Olive
Politics: Canada
by Graham White
Provincial and Territorial Legislatures in Canada
by Graham White
The Government and Politics of Ontario
by Graham White
The Ontario Legislature: A Political Analysis
by Graham White