What the long-term impacts of COVID-19 Show Us...

Long-COVID in the context of Structural Racism


To understand the how structural racism shapes the lived experiences of long COVID, otherwise known as post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC), among immigrants and racialized people living in Peel Region.


This project is guided by a community advisory board (CAB) who provide valuable insight into project governance and decision making and comprise individuals who reside in Peel, experience and/or support someone with long COVID, and identify as racialized and/or immigrant. 

This project is being supported by a team of Peer Research Assistants (PRAs) who are residents of Peel, experience and/or support someone with long COVID, and identify as racialized or an immigrant. PRAs are assisting with recruitment, research collection, and analysis. 


This project is employing a series of deliberative dialogues (DD) in the Peel Region to gather partner organizations, their clients, and Peel residents who identify as an immigrants and/or racialized individual, are living with and/or have a family member, friend, colleague managing long COVID to discuss what is known about long COVID, what can be done with current knowledge to support health equity, and what questions need answers to support inclusive, equitable, anti-racist policy and practice. 

Current Project Updates

We are in the process of scheduling deliberative dialogues and recruiting potential participants. 

Next Steps

Recruitment materials will be shared widely across the region to ensure maximum variation. Information generated from this project will be mobilized through social media, community meetings, webinars, publications, and reports to inform future research and interventions in the region.