Navigating This Page
Welcome to Your Checklists! This page will guide you step-by-step through your to-do items as you prepare for your university experience. Regularly refer to the checklists on this page by clicking their respective banner images. You can download each checklist, check off items as you complete them, and track your progress!
Your Checklist timeline is broken down into five Phases:
- First Steps to UTM (recommended February to May)
- The Essentials (recommended early June)
- Course Enrolment (recommended mid-June to July)
- One-Month Countdown (recommended early August)
- Preparing for Class (recommended mid-August to September)
Each Phase has a recommended completion timeframe. If, for any reason, you miss or are unable to complete the steps in that time, not to worry! Most items can be completed on an ongoing basis.
IMPORTANT: 2024 Checklists Available Now!
Phase 1: First Steps to UTM
Phase 1 is made up of a variety of topics, including accepting your offer of admission, taking a virtual tour of the campus and completing your application to live in Residence (if applicable). The recommended timeframe for completing this phase is from February-May. Make sure you download the file so you can check each item off!
Click here to view the Phase 1 Checklist!
Phase 2: The Essentials
In Phase 2, it's time to pick up your TCard and get connected with the campus and its supports. This includes activating your UTORid and student email, accessing course advising and connecting with your fellow incoming class through social media. Don't forget to complete your Residence application if you're planning to live here! The recommended timeframe for completing this phase is early June, but you can still pick up your TCard and complete the subsequent steps when you arrive on campus.
Click here to view the Phase 2 Checklist!
Phase 3: Course Enrolment
Phase 3 features two very exciting new aspects of your summer: EagleConnect, and Course Enrollment! In this phase, the summer transition program EagleConnect begins, and guides you through your transition into UTM. In addition, this phases prepares you for course enrollment in July. The recommended time-frame for completing this phase is early-June to July.
Click here to view the Phase 3 Checklist!
Phase 4: 1-Month Countdown
Phase 4 is when you want to make sure you are preparing for the start of term and make sure you have crossed off those critical to-do items.
Click here to view the Phase 4 Checklist!
Phase 5: Preparing for Class
In Phase 5, it's time to tie up loose ends through a two-page checklist. Prepare for class by picking up your transit pass, collecting your course syllabi, buying textbooks, attending orientation and more. The recommended time-frame for completing this phase is mid-August to early September.
Click here to view the Phase 5 Checklist!
Get Help
For all of your questions about orientation and transition support, the Centre for Student Engagement is here to help. Let us be your guide through the pre-arrival process! We'll do our best connect you with the information you need.
Centre for Student Engagement
Room 2090, Davis Building
Visit us! Wayfinding
Email: engage.utm@utoronto.ca

Find us! @utmengage