Course Enrolment

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Course Enrolment 101

One of the most important milestones as a new student is getting to select which courses you'll take!

While it's exciting, there's also a lot of information to know and big decisions to make. But you're not in it alone; the Office of the Registrar is here to help every step of the way. 

Keep reading for an overview of some must-know info for navigating course enrolment and planning for your first year at UTM.

Course Enrolment Dates

Year of Study*View Start Time on ACORNCourse Enrolment Date
Year 1
(0 - 3.5 credits)
July 11, 2024July 17, 2024
Year 2
(4.0 - 8.5 credits)
July 5, 2024July 10, 2024
Year 3
(9.0 - 13.5 credits)
June 27, 2024July 4, 2024

*Your year of study is determined by the number of credits you have completed (including transfer credits).

Essential Resources

Bookmark these websites for easy access to crucial information and deadlines:

Academic Calendar

Find essential information including course descriptions, academic policies, and sessional dates for the entire academic year.

Important Dates

Refer to this list of academic and financial deadlines to stay organized and keep track of important dates year-round.

Timetable Builder

View the schedule for all courses being offered and start visualizing options for your course timetable with this handy planning tool.


On your course enrolment day, beginning at your designated start time, ACORN is where you'll go to register for courses.

How to Enrol

Before you choose your courses on ACORN, we should cover the basics, and answer common questions you might have, such as:

  • How many courses can you take?
  • What courses do you need?
  • What are electives?
  • When do you choose a program?

Get started by downloading the New Student Enrolment Workbook (PDF) - a step-by-step guide that's the next best thing to having an academic advisor next to you! Follow along by watching short video tutorials and fill in the blanks with the questions you want to ask, courses and programs you want to take, and more. We will guide you through how to plan for your first year, how to complete your degree for graduation, transfer credit assessments, and more!

Download the New Student Enrolment Workbook

Events for New Students

We have special events that have been designed just for you! Our Academic Advisors and Peer Leaders are here to help you choose your first-year courses and transition into your time at UTM.

Missed one of our New Student Advising webinars this summer? Or want to re-watch it? Catch up with our event recordings at any time:

Event banner reads "Planning Your Degree" with an image of a student

Planning Your Degree

Meet UTM Academic Advisors and a Transfer Credit Specialist to learn about the types of degrees offered at UTM, the requirements to complete your degree, options for selecting your program of study (POSt), and essential tools that will help you plan your academic journey and thrive from day one to graduation.

Watch now

Event banner reads "Course Enrolment Workshops" with image of a student sitting in class

Course Enrolment Workshops

Meet your UTM Academic Advisors who will help you understand your U of T degree and walk you through the course enrolment process in this step-by-step detailed presentation.

Business: Management and Commerce
Watch recording

Sciences: Computer, Math & Stats, Life, Chemical & Physical, Forensic, and Psychology
Watch recording

Arts: Humanities, Social Sciences, Communication, Theatre, and Visual Studies
Watch recording

Title on screen: Financial Aid Chat with an image of a student looking at their phone.

New Student Financial Chat

Have questions about finances for your first year at UTM? In this session, our Financial Aid Advisors talk about completing your registration, fee payment, financial aid, award opportunities, and much more!

Watch now

Academic Planning 101

First Year Success: Academic Planning 101

As you prepare for your first year at UTM, set yourself up for success! In this workshop, the Office of the Registrar's Academic Advising team discusses next steps towards enrolling in your programs of study (POSt), managing your CGPA, planning your time as a student, accessing important campus resources, and more.

Watch now


Meet Your Peer Leaders!

Peer Leaders are upper-year students who help run our course enrolment events. They'll share their UTM experiences, introduce you to key academic planning resources, and answer your questions about university life.


3rd Year
Computer Science Major, Math Minor & Political Science Minor


4th Year
Management Specialist


2nd Year
Biological Chemistry Specialist, Math Minor, Biology Minor


4th Year
Criminology Major, Sociology Major


2nd Year
Criminology Major, Education Studies Minor, Sociology Minor

First Year Academic Transition Support

Navigating new experiences can be a challenge, especially when you're attending university - there are so many unknowns and so much to learn. Let LAUNCH, utmONE, and the Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy's First-Year Foundational courses be your guide!

The Institute for the Study of University Pedagogy (ISUP) offers first-year students courses that focus on developing university-level academic skills and learning strategies that are important for all students studying in any discipline.


Through interactive weekly sessions, you will have the opportunity to learn from an academically successful upper-year student mentor about the many aspects of being a UTM student. You will build academic skills, discover UTM resources, and even have the opportunity to meet with your mentor one-on-one, all while building meaningful friendships with students in your area of study. Successful completers will receive a notation on your Co-Curricular Record.

Visit the LAUNCH web page for more information and enrol in your LAUNCH stream through ACORN on your enrolment date.

utmONE First-Year Foundations Courses

utmONE First-Year Foundations courses support students to develop fundamental learning strategies, and sharpen their academic skills so that they can be successful in their university studies. The small size of these classes provide a supportive classroom environment where students can build connections with their peers, professor, and teaching assistant. 

These courses are for-credit and can count toward students' distribution requirements. Depending on the course, students can use the 0.5 credit toward their Humanities (HUM), Social Science (SSc), or Science (SCI) distribution credits.

Each utmONE First-Year Foundations course is taught around a theme that allows students to strengthen their academic skills while exploring an interesting topic as part of a scholarly community.

utmONE First-Year Foundations courses offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Year: 

Visit the utmONE web page for more information and student testimonials. You can enroll in a utmONE course through ACORN on your enrolment date.

ISP100: Writing for University and Beyond

All writers can improve their writing! 

ISP100: Writing for University and Beyond is a for-credit course that teaches writing- and reading-related skills that are necessary for success in university. You will build on your writing skills and develop a writing portfolio that will help you to investigate your own relationship with writing, explore how knowledge is produced through writing, and learn strategies for writing purposefully and effectively. ISP100 is delivered from the perspective that all writers can improve their writing, so that all students will benefit by taking it.  

ISP100 is a for-credit course taught in a seminar style, with a maximum of 25 students per section. The course is interdisciplinary, and it will benefit students studying in any discipline.

Visit the ISP100: Writing for University and Beyond web page for more information about the course and how to enrol.

ISP130: Numeracy for University and Beyond

Whatever you may read, be it a news article about the Covid-19 pandemic or a scholarly paper for your undergraduate course in Political Science, numbers are there and unavoidable. They reveal important information and tell a story – sometimes more powerful than words! ISP130: Numeracy for University and Beyond is a for-credit course designed to develop your confidence in engaging with numbers in a given context, as you will encounter in your courses at UTM and in everyday life so that you become informed and knowledgeable in making educated decisions about particular situations. 

Visit the ISP130: Numeracy for University and Beyond web page for more information about the course and how to enrol.

Next Steps: After You Enrol in Courses

After you enrol in your classes, you'll need to follow a few important steps to ensure your fees are dealt with in a timely way and your spot in your courses is secured:

  1. Check back on ACORN around mid-July to find your tuition fees (invoice) posted on your account.
  2. Once you've reviewed your invoice, you'll need to either:
    • Pay your fees (i.e. submit payment for the minimum amount to register, which is listed on the bottom of your ACORN invoice); OR
    • Defer payment of your fees, if you are receiving a government student loan.

More information is available on the Fees & Financial Aid page. Be mindful of the deadlines to avoid incurring late fees and/or losing your spot in courses.

Get Help 

Office of the Registrar
Room 1235, Innovation Complex
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON L5L1C6
Tel: 905-828-5399  |  Fax: 905-569-4301
Instagram & Twitter: @UTMRegistrar