Meet Your Advisor
Preparing for Theatre & Drama Studies
Program Entry Requirements
Getting Involved with Your Department
Get Help
Meet your Advisors
For advice related to these programs, students can turn to either the English and Drama Department’s Undergraduate Advisor, Megan Janssen, or the Director of Drama Studies, Prof. Holger Syme.
Undergraduate Advisor: Megan Janssen
Erindale Hall #309A
Email: megan.janssen@utoronto.ca
Phone: 905-828-5201
Director of Drama Studies: Holger Syme
Deerfield Hall 1045
Email: holger.syme@utoronto.ca
Office Hours: Monday 1-3 p.m.
Preparing for Theatre & Drama Studies
At the Theatre & Drama Studies Department, we want to encourage you to participate in two opportunities created specifically for YOU: Humanities Orientation @ O-Week, and LAUNCH! We have seen how these programs have benefited our students in the past and cannot recommend them more. Be sure to register soon to reserve your spots.
Humanities Departmental Orientation:
Everyone is encouraged to attend this important orientation event. Meet other new students, first-year faculty and learn about academic expectations.
utm103H5F LAUNCH: Humanities and Social Science
Date: Weekly during the Fall term
Time and Room: There are six sections to choose from!
Register: Register for utm103H5F on ACORN.
Did you know that there is a hanging speech bubble at UTM? Do you know how to study effectively? Did you know that you can use up to 6GB of internet bandwidth per day while on campus?
Whenever starting a new journey, there are always tips and tricks to making that journey easier and more fun. Who's better at providing these tips and tricks than someone who has already been through the entire experience?
LAUNCH pairs you with a successful upper-year mentor in your academic discipline to assist you in transitioning successfully to UTM.
Here’s how LAUNCH can help you as a Theatre & Drama student:
- Are you interested in meeting people studying in your field?
- Do you want to develop your critical and creative thinking?
- Would you like to learn how to be academically successful?
- Do you want to find out about campus resources available to students?
- Do you want make friends and learn about ways to relax and have fun on campus?
LAUNCH is not-for-credit – there is no homework, assignments, or tests! Instead, earn a notation on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) for completing, in addition to learning some valuable skills, making friends and having a good time!
Don’t miss out on all the fun! LAUNCH into your UTM experience with us!
Program Entry Requirements
Choosing a Subject POSt
Students request their programs at the end of their first year, as all U of T students are admitted to a general first-year program (such as Life Sciences or Humanities). You need to complete a minimum of 4.0 credits as well as any other program enrollment criteria (such as CGPA) before you can be considered for entry into a program. Please refer to the Subject POSt Guide for more information.
Applying to the Theatre & Drama Specialist Program
Entry to the Theatre & Drama Studies program (TDS) is competitive and requires an audition (these take place in the spring of each year). Successful applicants are admitted to the Theatre & Drama stream and are required to take classes at Sheridan College as well as at UTM. Practical courses in theatre at Sheridan are limited to students enrolled in TDS.
To proceed to the second year of the Theatre & Drama Studies program, students must have completed 4.0 credits with a minimum CGPA of 2.0; enrolment in the required second-year courses at Sheridan is limited to students who successfully passed the first-year practical courses (DRS121H5 and DRS122H5).
Specialist Program: First Year Courses
- DRE121H5 – Traditions of Theatre and Drama
- DRE122H5 – Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
- DRS121H5 – Acting 1
- DRS122H5 – Acting 2
Major and Minor Program: First and Second Year Courses
- DRE121H5 – Traditions of Theatre and Drama
- DRE122H5 – Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama
- DRE200H5 – Canadian Theatre History
- DRE222H5 – The Performance Text
Getting Involved with Your Department
Academic Society - English and Drama Student Society (EDSS)
The best way of getting involved in the life of the department is the English and Drama Student Society (EDSS). They hold regular events, writing workshops and poetry readings. We also publish an online journal of student writing, co-edited by students with faculty members; its title is “With Caffeine and Careful Thought” and you can find a link on the English and Drama website. The department regularly hosts academic speakers, and students are encouraged to attend their talks.
Erindale Studio Theatre
The Erindale Studio Theatre is where the productions of the graduating class of TDS Specialists are staged. As a TDS student, you will be expected to attend and be involved backstage. As a Major or Minor in one of our programs, you should check out the challenging, exciting and polished shows we put on. You will also study these production in some of the courses we offer!
UTM Drama Club
Outside the department, the UTM Drama Club stages at least one production a year. Other student groups organize play readings, short film competitions and performances. With three performance venues on campus (the Erindale Studio Theatre, the Multimedia Studio Theatre [MiST] in the CCT Building and Rehearsal Hall A in Deerfield Hall), there is always something of a theatrical nature happening somewhere at UTM.
Get Help
Have questions? Visit the Department of English & Drama Website.
Find us! map.utoronto.ca/utm
Erindale Hall, 3rd floor
Phone: (905) 828-5201
Email: megan.janssen@utoronto.ca