
Stylized banner (blue paint splatter) for Commerce

Meet your Advisor

Help is available. If you have any commerce-specific questions, please email a UTMM Academic Advisor at The UTMM Academic Advisors’ office is located on the second floor of the Kaneff Centre, room KN 216. Students are strongly encouraged to book an advising appointment.

Preparing for Commerce

At the Department of Management, we want to encourage you to participate in two opportunities created specifically for YOU: Management Orientation @ O-Week, and LAUNCH! We have seen how these programs have benefited our students in the past and cannot recommend them more. Be sure to enrol soon to reserve your spots.

Commerce Departmental Orientation:

Join our first-year faculty members and a panel of student leaders to answer your questions. You will receive tips on how to succeed and how to make a smooth transition into university. You will interact with our student leaders who will share their experiences in and outside of the classroom. There will also be a review of our Professional Skills Development Program. 

utm101H5F LAUNCH: Business, Commerce and Management

Date: Weekly during the Fall term
Time and Room: There are six sections to choose from!
Register: Register for utm101H5F on ACORN.

Did you know that there is a hanging speech bubble at UTM? Do you know how to study effectively? Did you know that you can use up to 6GB of internet bandwidth per day while on campus?

Whenever starting a new journey, there are always tips and tricks to making that journey easier and more fun. Who's better at providing these tips and tricks than someone who has already been through the entire experience?

LAUNCH pairs you with a successful upper-year mentor in your academic discipline to assist you in transitioning successfully to UTM.

Here’s how LAUNCH can help you as a Commerce student:

  • Are you interested in networking with people in your field?
  • Do you want to develop your critical and creative thinking?
  • Would you like to learn how to be academically successful?
  • Do you want to find out about campus resources available to students?
  • Do you want make friends and learn about ways to relax and have fun on campus?

LAUNCH is not-for-credit – there is no homework, assignments or tests! Instead, earn a notation on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) and 5 Professional Skills Development Program Points in Academic Development for completing, in addition to learning some valuable skills, making friends and having a good time!

Don’t miss out on all the fun! LAUNCH into your UTM experience with us!

Program Entry Requirements

Choosing a Subject POSt

Students request their programs at the end of their first year, as all U of T students are admitted to a general first-year program (such as Life Sciences or Humanities). You need to complete a minimum of 4.0 credits as well as any other program enrollment criteria (such as CGPA) before you can be considered for entry into a program. Please refer to the Subject POSt Guide for more information.

Commerce Program Requirements

We offer Specialist and Major programs in Commerce. 

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for Subject POSt admission requirements, and UTMM’s Undergraduate Programs FAQ page.


What Courses to Take: Core, Required, Pre-/Co-Requisite Courses

  • MGM101H5 (0.5 credit, Fall term)
  • MGT120H5 (0.5 credit, Winter term)
  • ECO101H5 (0.5 credit); ECO102H5 (0.5 credit)
  • MAT133Y5Y (1.0 credit, offered over the entire year) OR MAT135H5 (0.5 credit, Fall term) and MAT136H (0.5 credit, Winter term
  • 1.0 to 2.0 elective credits of your choice.

When choosing your electives, you may want to explore the academic calendar to see which programs you are interested in pursuing alongside your Major or Specialist. An academic advisor at the Office of the Registrar can help you with this planning. Keep in mind that you will need to have completed a minimum of 4.0 credits before you can apply for your program during the program selection period near the end of the academic year. 

Getting Involved with Your Department

The Li Koon Chun Finance Learning Centre

The Li Koon Chun Finance Learning Centre (FLC) provides specialized resources, services, and expertise in business, finance, economics, and management. The FLC offers:

  • Dual-monitor workstations with specialized software, including Bloomberg terminals
  • Research help from librarians and library staff
  • CCR and PSDP-accredited workshops on financial databases and data analysis software
  • Co-curricular guides, programming, and events

The FLC is a library space open to all UTM students, staff, and faculty. Visit the FLC website and follow us on Instagram to stay updated.

Academic Society – Innovative Business Association 

Being a part of the IMI Business Association gives you access to even more perks, like access to competitions and conferences at a discounted price, networking sessions and connections to many important companies. 

Innovative Business Association Website

Get Help

Have more questions? Visit the Department of Management Website.

Find us!
Kaneff Centre, Suite KN216