Student Organizations

The Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences is home to many student organizations and clubs. To learn more about them click on the following links:

The Computer Science Student Community (CSSC) is a community organization overseen by the Computer Science Faculty in MCS. Taking its roots from the Hacklab, the CSSC is tasked to support students’ academic and professional needs throughout their university career all while providing space and opportunity for community growth. The CSSC also acts as a central hub for computer science students to seek guidance, advice, and support. Furthermore, it acts as a supporting pillar between all MCS student clubs/societies.

The CSSC’s identity can be defined by four main pillars:

  • Student Support and Guidance
  • Academic and Professional Growth
  • Developing Technology Resources
  • Collaboration with MCS Clubs/Societies

MCS faculty member helping oversee CSSC: Andi Bergen.

Connect with CSSC at:

Instagram              Discord              Github              Facebook              Website



Developer Student Clubs (DSC) is a student-led community backed by Google Developers. We aim to empower undergraduate students to grow their knowledge in technology, build solutions for their local communities, and connect with other members from the Google community. Whether you're curious about Google software or an experienced developer, DSC is a place where you can learn industry-level technologies to kickstart your career success journey.

Every year, we host our Speaker Series and Cloud Study Jam events to help students network with aspiring tech professionals. Our events and workshops revolve around community collaboration and hands-on tutorials. We hope to see you in our future activities!

MCS faculty member helping oversee DSC: Ahmed Ashraf.

Connect with DCS UTM on:

Facebook              Instagram              LinkedIn              Discord              Website


UTM’s Math Club meets weekly to discuss cool math, and to celebrate mathematics culture. All UTM students, whether current or graduated, are welcome to join. 

  • Math talks, by both profs and students
  • Game Nights: Math Trivia, PowerPoint Karaoke, Lightning Talks
  • Nerdy Movie Nights
  • Book clubs
  • Field trips to public lectures in the GTA
  • Celebrating Pi Day
  • Pizza and snacks

We meet once per week for a math talk, typically on Tuesdays. Stay updated on events via Discord, where you can go to #roles to join the Math Club and Math Events tags.

Questions? Contact Prof. Ehsaan Hossain (, or Saany#2668 on Discord).

UTM MCSS is the official academic society for the Mathematics and Computational Sciences Department. The purposes of the club are as follows:

  • to officially represent the students,
  • promote and achieve the common interests of the students,
  • encourage academic, social, and career related support for the students,
  • maintain open lines of communication between the students and the department’s faculty and staff, 
  • maintain communication between the students themselves, and
  • encourage faculty and student interaction outside of the formal lecture, tutorial, and lab setting.

MCS faculty members helping oversee MCSS: Tyler Holden (MAT), Lisa Zhang (CSC) & Asal Aslemand (STA).

Connect with MCSS on:

Instagram              Facebook              Twitter              Discord             Website​​​​​


We are a student-run club dedicated to the application of machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science, algorithm development and mathematical modelling. UTMSAM was originally established to increase the incentives of mathematics and statistics at UTM. Nonetheless, we have thrived to become so much more, once we realized that the magic of Math can be extended to various fields at an insane rate. We have become the center-stage for some of the brightest and most creative students, mostly in the field of STEM and economics. In such a chaotic time, UTMSAM thrived to become part of the solution and utilize new technologies to navigate the new normal.

MCS faculty member helping oversee UTMSAM: Rutwa Engineer

Connect with UTMSAM on:

Instagram (@utmsam)              LinkedIn              Reddit              Website             

UTMSAM Office              Email (



We are pleased to introduce ourselves as UTM's first ever Robotics club. Oftentimes, applied computer science is considered a more advanced topic which tends to attract more experienced students. We wish to bridge the gap between these experienced students and new incoming students who are passionate about the field by creating a place of innovation for applied computer science, promoting interest in robotics for students at UTM, and empowering the club’s members to collaborate effectively on robotics projects!

MCS faculty members helping oversee UTM Robotics Club: Igor Gilitschenski and Lueder Kahrs

Connect with UTM Robotics on:

Facebook              Twitter              Instagram              Discord              Website


UTM Robotics

WiSC provides a safe space for female-identifying students and minorities in the fields of science, technology, and math. We aim to foster our campus community and equip our student body with the skills needed to excel in university and beyond. 

We aspire to open the conversation on diversity and inclusion in STEM and uphold these values in our events. Every WiSC opportunity and event is open to all in the UTM community.

MCS faculty member helping oversee WiSC: Michael Liut.

Connect with WiSC on:

Instagram (@wiscutm)              Facebook              LinkedIn              Website         

Email (


Students at table