This program specifically focuses on how literature in English has developed through the centuries, all over the world, and in a rich variety of different forms and modes, from oral recitations to digital media. Students will be introduced to the full range of literary genres and traditions.
Honours Bachelor of Arts
Program Plans
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- Linguist
- Elementary School Teacher
- Writer
- Marketing Executive
- Interpreter
Admission Requirements
Regional Requirements
Admissions RequirementsLife in English
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Sample Courses
An examination of the magical realism genre, through paintings, films, and fiction and non-fiction texts.
What is the literary history of video games? This course considers how some novels and plays work like games; and how games have evolved complex and often non-verbal means of conveying narratives.
This course examines the rise and popularization of spy fiction in the twentieth century. It focuses on authors such as Graham Greene and John le Carré within the context of the Cold War and the nuclear stand-off between the Soviet Union and the West.
Other Programs to Consider

English Language Linguistics
The minor in English Language Linguistics provides a focus on understanding the structure of sounds, words, sentences, and meaning within the English language. Students will be exposed to theories on communication, and teaching and learning of the English language.

Dramaturgy and Drama Studies
Dramaturgy and Drama Studies (DDS) integrates creative and scholarly approaches to theatre through a common emphasis on dramaturgy. The DDS program includes courses that examine theatre history, dramatic literature, critical theory, playwriting, devising, and intermedial performance, among others.

Education Studies
The Education Studies minor is for students interested in a variety of careers that involve educating and training others. Students will develop an understanding of the format and the rationale for particular instructional strategies, teaching methodologies, andragogy and pedagogy.