Anthropology (HBSc)
Anthropology is the study of humankind from its beginnings to the present day. anthropology seeks to understand the whole panorama of human existence -- in geographic space and evolutionary time -- through comparative and holistic study.
Honours Bachelor of Science
Program Plans
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- Ethnologist
- Project Development Officer
- Community Worker
- Kinesiologist
- Public Health Educator
Admission Requirements
Regional Requirements
Admissions RequirementsLife in Anthropology (HBSc)
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Sample Courses
Cultural Heritage Management, also known as cultural resource management or applied archaeology, aims to protect traces of the past such as artifacts, archaeological sites and cultural landscapes.
Infection is a significant area of study for anthropologists because it is situated at the intersection of social and biological experience. This course examines why infectious disease occupies such a central position in our contemporary understanding of health.
This course will examine the relationship between the field of anthropology and Indigenous people of Turtle Island. We will examine the past, present, and future manifestations of this relationship.
Other Programs to Consider

Paleontology is a basic science concerned with the evolutionary history of life. Areas of detailed knowledge will include vertebrate and invertebrate paleobiology, evolutionary biology, systematics, functional morphology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, and platetectonics.

Ecology & Evolution
Ecology and evolution are sister disciplines, both encompassing the study of natural selection, life history, development, adaptation, population, and inheritance. Ecology and evolution are broad disciplines seeking to understand the origins, diversity, and distribution of organisms.

Anthropology (HBA)
Anthropology is the study of humankind from its beginnings to present. In practice, the discipline divides itself into several subfields, each of which focuses on different aspects of human life across space and through time.