The Best Study Spots on Campus

Neha Mumtaz

There is a huge variety of study spots that are available to all students and are conveniently located in different buildings across campus. Some are more discrete while others are located in more open and common spaces. Needless to say, there is something available for everyone!

Study Rooms

Personally, I like to study in spaces that are more discrete since I tend to get distracted quite easily. That is why I like to book study rooms using the Library's Study Room Booking System.

The Library's study rooms provide bright, efficient, and comfortable spaces for individuals and groups of students to study. These rooms are located across campus in various different buildings and are relatively popular. Therefore, booking them in advance is essential.

These study rooms vary. Some are surrounded by large glass windows/walls and have whiteboards and even TVs while others just have a singular table in the middle of the room with multiple chairs.

Library study room
I love this room specifically due to the view it has and the amount of light it lets in. That is why I have booked this room multiple times. Source
CCT study room
This study room is located on the third floor of the Library - Communication, Culture, and Technology Building (CCT).
MN study room
This room is one of my favorites! I love how it is discrete but also how it has a nice view of the Maanjiwe nendamowinan building. Source
MN study room
This study room is located on the second floor of the Maanjiwe Nendamowinan Building (MN).

Common Study Areas

As there are dedicated study rooms available for booking, there are also common study areas where students can sit and study in the open. These study areas are less discrete and particularly helpful to students who prefer background noise when studying.

Check out the Study Spaces, at a Glance page for a quick guide to the study spaces that are available across campus in various different buildings!

IB study room
I like to use this study area when I want to study while eating. It is a great spot to socialize while also getting work done. This study area is located on the main floor of the Instructional Centre (IB). Source
KN rotunda
This study area is one of the quietest but also allows students to socialize. I really like this spot especially since there is a Second Cup located right next to it.
This study area is on the main floor of the Kaneff Centre/Innovation Complex (KN). Source
Davis dining area
This study area is great if you want to grab a bite to eat but also get work done. The food court is located right next to it so I usually come here when I want a break but also have a few tasks to complete. This study area is located on the main floor of the William G. Davis Building (DV).

Empty Class/Lecture Rooms

In addition to the study rooms offered by the Library and the dedicated study spaces available in common areas, I also like to use UTM's New Classroom Space Database. This allows you to locate empty classrooms that are available for independent and group learning.

I particularly like this database as it allows you to find empty classrooms for a specific time frame and even shows you a picture of what the room looks like. It also tells you where the space is located and how many people it can seat.

Empty classrooms make great study spaces since there are a lot of different resources available for students to access such as whiteboards, chalkboards, projectors, mics, speakers, light control panels, and much more. These resources can especially be helpful for mock presentations and recorded assignments.

IB lecture theatre
I usually go here if I am with a big study group and I also want a relatively quiet place to get my work done. Source
Me, studying in the IB lecture theatre
This empty lecture room is on the main floor of the Instructional Centre (IB) room IB110.
KN lecture room
This room is great to practice mock presentations and to record assignments. I recorded a podcast assignment for a course here. Source
Me, studying in KN lecture room
This empty lecture room is on the main floor of the Kaneff Centre/Innovation Complex (KN) room KN137.

In Summary

To sum up, there is something that is available for everyone! UTM as a whole makes an effort to cater to everyone's needs and continues to contribute to the success of its students by creating study spots and study areas that accommodate different types of students.