Nicole Novroski
Dr. Nicole Novroski is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Forensic Science Program at the University of Toronto Mississauga. She came to the UTM Forensic Science Program from the Center for Human Identification (CHI) at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas, where she completed her doctoral studies in the Research and Development Laboratory of Dr. Bruce Budowle. Dr. Novroski's research focused on identifying novel short tandem repeat markers for enhanced DNA mixture deconvolution.
Her research interests involve the advancement of forensic DNA typing and analysis using novel biological and instrumentation approaches. Specifically, Dr. Novroski is focused on mining the human genome for genetic markers with improved DNA mixture deconvolution capabilities. Dr. Novroski is passionate about the future of forensic biology and genetics, and has a great interest in the implementation of massively parallel sequencing into the crime laboratory, coupled with the integration of additional human identification markers into forensic casework. She is also interested in expanding the capabilities of missing persons casework and databasing, microbial forensics, pharmacogenetics, computational biology as it pertains to forensic genetic data, and improved methods for the collection and processing of forensic biological evidence. Dr. Novroski actively publishes in leading, peer-reviewed journals in the field of forensic genetics and is a reviewer for Forensic Science International: Genetics.
Dr. Novroski currently teaches Forensic Biology in the Forensic Science Program.