The Camp U of T Forensics Specialty Camp, along with the Forensic Science Program Director Dr. Tracy Rogers, was featured 2014 in Maclean's magazine. The camp was also featured on CityTV News.

Forensics I
Ages 9-11 years
Discover the fascinating world of Forensic Sciences. Dust for fingerprints, collect and analyze clues and see science through the eyes of a Forensic Scientist.
This camp provides participants with an introduction to the world of forensic sciences by providing a unique combination of fun, hands on activities and role-play. There is also the opportunity to explore the physical part of being a police officer. Several workouts and types of training are done each session. Campers will also swim daily.
Camp Fee: $435.00 for one-week session. Fee includes lunch, all materials, and a Camp U of T shirt.

Forensics II
Ages 10-13 years
Expand upon the skills you learned in Forensics I. Participants will analyze a more complex crime and be introduced to further methods of evidence collection and analysis. There will be continued physical skill development, along with a daily swim.
Camp Fee: $435.00 for one-week session. Fee includes lunch, all materials, and a Camp U of T shirt.
For more information and registration:
Visit: Camp U of T Mississauga | Recreation, Athletics & Wellness (utoronto.ca)
Call: 905-828-3714
E-mail: campuoft.mississauga@utoronto.ca