Lucy Li


Bachelor of Commerce, Specializing in Business Technology Management • University of British Columbia


Lucy graduated in 2022 from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a specialization in Business Technology Management. Upon graduation, Lucy has been working at the Bank of Montreal as a Commercial Banking analyst specializing in Real Estate Finance and Income Property Finance.

Lucy's keen interest in Sustainability Management originally sprouted from her personal passion for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. During her internship at Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Lucy delved into the Chinese Agriculture Space and Renewable Energy Sector. Her responsibilities included analyzing market trends, conducting site visits, and managing relationships with various entities, such as Photovoltaic Power Stations, Wind Farms, Municipal Solid Waste Power Generators, and Maritime Operations and Logistics.

In her latest role at the Bank of Montreal, Lucy gained exposure to initiatives like the Canada Greener Homes Grant campaign and Retrofit Bonds and Loans. This experience broadened her perspective on the crucial role Financial Institutes play in the Canadian and Global ESG space, fueling her interest in Sustainability Management.

Outside of her professional pursuits, enjoys connecting with nature, spending time with family and friends, and pursuing her interests in arts, music, ceramics, museum visits, travel, and hiking. Lucy, who has played the piano for two decades, also has a background in competitive international tennis.