MScSM Program Director

Professor, Forest Economies and Management
Institute for Management and Innovation
University of Toronto Mississauga
Innovation Complex, 3359 Mississauga Road, Ontario, L5L1C6
Phone: 905-569-5739
Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
33 Willcocks Street, Toronto, Ontario. M5S 3B3

Phone: 416-978-6196
Shashi's full CV can be found here.
Sub-Plenary Presentations

Kant, S., Vertinsky, I., and Zheng, B. 2014. Valuation of Ecosystem Services Using Life Satisfaction Approach: An Application to First Nations Social, Cultural, and Land Use (SCLU) Activities. Presented at the XXIV IUFRO World Congress, October 6-11, 2014, Salt Lake City, USA
Kant, S. 2010. Forest economics in the 21st century. Presented at the XXIII IUFRO World
Congress, August 28-28, 2010, Seoul, South Korea.
Kant, S. 2005. Post Newtonian Economics and Sustainable Forest Management. Sub-Plenary Session on Demonstration Sustainable Forest Management, XXII IUFRO Forestry Congress, August 7-13, 2005, Brisbane, Australia
Dinner Presentations
Kant, S. 2006. The Tragedy of Science: Society, Science, and Lake Abitibi Model Forest. Presented at the LAMF Strategic Planning Meeting, Timmins, Ontario, Feb 23-24, 2005.
Invited Presentations
Kant, S. 2021. Forestry Education in 21st Century: Trees to Global Socio-Ecological Systems. Invited presentation at 20th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, 16-18 August, 2021, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Virtual Conference.
Kant, S. 2017. Valuation of Ecosystem Services Using Life Satisfaction Approach: An Application to First Nations Social, Cultural, and Land Use (SCLU) Activities. Invited Presentation at the Third Global Forum for Ecological Economics in Forestry (GFEEF 2017): "Harmonious Future for Human Wellbeing"; Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, China; 19-21 May 2017.
Kant, S. 2017. Life Satisfaction Approach and the Valuation of First Nations Social, Cultural, and Land Use (SCLU) Activities. Invited Presentation at the Faculty of Forest Economics, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, Linan, China, May 23, 2017.
Kant. S. 2013. Provision of Ecosystem Services: For Communities and By Communities (Lessons from First Nations). Presented at the Community Based Forest Management Conference, Sault St. Marie, Ontario, January 16-18, 2013.
Kant, S. 2013. Aboriginal Wellbeing, Land Use Activities, and Sustainability. Presented at the Strategic Planning Workshop of Northeast Superior Region–Enhanced Sustainable Forest License, Chapleau, Ontario, March 4-7, 2013.
Kant, S. 2013. Forests and Economic Development: New Pathways. Presented at the International Conference organized by Major Groups-Led Initiative (MGI) and IUFRO, March 18-22, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in preparation for the UNFCC 10
Kant, S. 2013. Forests and Economic Development: New Pathways. Presented at the
MGI/IUFRO Side Event at the UNFCC 10, 11 April 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kant, S. 2013. New Frontiers of Forest Economics. Presented at Hanover Seminar Series, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University, USA, April 16, 2013
Kant, S. 2013. Sustainable Forest Management: An Economic Perspective. Presented at a Meeting of Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Marie, May 22, 2013.
Kant, S. 2013. Valuation of ecosystem services using Life Satisfaction Approach. Presented at the International Conference of IUFRO Group 9.04.05 on Institutions and Markets for Ecosystem Services in Green Economy, Zhejiang A & F University, Linan, Zhejiang, China, May 13, 2013
Kant, S. 2012. Welcome Remarks by Co-Chair. At the International Symposiums of Forest Economics: Forest Development in China and Asia-Pacific Regions on Global Climate Change, Bejing Forestry University, Beijing, October 13-14, 2012.
Kant. S. 2012. Forest Economics and Climate Change: Valedictory Remarks. At the International Symposiums of Forest Economics: Forest Development in China and Asia-Pacific Regions on Global Climate Change, Bejing Forestry University, Beijing, October 13-14, 2012.
Kant, S. 2009. Global Trends in Ownership and Tenure of Forest Resources and Timber Pricing. Invited Lead Presentation at the OPFA Annual Meeting and Conference, Sudbury, Ontario, April 22-24, 2009.
Kant, S. 2008. Sense of the House. Presented at the International Conference on Scope of Production Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation in India, Jan 16-18, Jaipur, India.
Haripria, G. and S. Kant. 2008. Precision in the assessment of carbon sequestration and leakages in forestry activities and developing comprehensive carbon accounting models incorporating non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Presented at the International Conference on Scope of Production Forestry in Climate Change Mitigation in India, Jan 16-18, Jaipur, India.
Kant, S. 2008. A New Paradigm of Economics: Economics of Sustainable Forest Management. Presented at the University of Copenhagen, June 9, 2008.
Kant, S. 2008. Economics of Co-Management of Forests. Presented at the University of Copenhagen, June 13, 2008.
Kant, S. 2008. Economics of Sustainable Forest Management: A New Paradigm of Economics. Presented at Auburn University, March 7, 2008.
Kant, S. 2008. Economics of Sustainable Forest Management: A New Paradigm of Economics Presented at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, March 18, 2008.
Kant, S. 2008. The Tragedy of Science: Reductionism to an Integrated Approach. Presented at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, March 17, 2008
Kant, S. 2008. Timber Pricing and Softwood Lumber Dispute. Presented at Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, March 17, 2008
Kant, S. 2007. Economic Performance of a Government Controlled Stumpage System. Research Seminar organized by BC Forum on Forest Policy and Economics, UBC Vancouver, December 7, 2007.
Kant, S. 2006. Sustainability and Economics: Basics of a New (Post-Newtonian) Paradigm. Presented at Environment Seminar Series, Centre for Environment, University of Toronto, January 25, 2006.
Kant, S. 2006. Science, Society, and Forest Management. Presented at the Session organized by Model Forest Network at the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, June 3-8, Vancouver, 2006.
Kant, S. 2006. Tragedy of Science. Presented at the Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, August 21, 2006.
Kant, S. 2006. Post Newtonian Economics. Presented at the Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria, August 21, 2006.
Kant, S. 2006. Science, Economics, and Peace: Questionable Assumptions & Debatable Conclusions. Presented at Roundtable on Forests, Organized by Science for Peace and Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, September 22-23, 2006
Kant, S. 2005. The Dominant Economic Paradigm and Sustainable Development: Presented at the Eminent Scientist Symposium in Conjunction with Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development (MCED), March 24-25, 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
Kant, S. 2005. Sustainability and Newtonian and Post-Newtonian Economics: Presented at Interdisciplinary Environmental Lecture Series, March 17, 2005, Environmental Research and Studies Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Kant, S. 2005. Dynamics of Trade and Economic Theory: Presented at the US-Canada Forest Products Trade: A Bilateral Symposium, March 7-8, 2005, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan, USA
Kant, S. 2005. Closing Remarks: Delivered at the Socio-Economic Impact Modelling Conference, February 18-19, 2005, Organised by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Kant, S. 2004. Sustainable Forest Management: Challenges and Opportunities - Paradigms: Linkages, Dynamics, and Operations. Presented to the Board of Directors of the Lake Abitibi Model Forest, March 6, 2004.
Kant, S. 2003. Sustainable Forest Management and Challenges. Presented at 45 Year
Celebration of Zhejiang Forestry University, Linan, Zhejiang, P. R. China., October 2003.
Kant, S. 1999. Institutions and organisations for joint forest management. Invited Presentation at Harvard University, Boston, USA. August, 1999.
Kant, S. 1999. Socio-economic and policy research needs in bamboo and rattan sector.
Invited Presentation at the Expert Consultation of the Strategic Plan of International Network for Bamboo and Rattan held at Beijing, 7-9 April, 1999.
Kant, S. 1999. Ecosystems and discounting of the future. Presentation at the Workshop on Natural Capital: Values in Two Perspectives organised by the Institute of Environment, University of Toronto and the World Bank at the University of Toronto, 23 April, 1999.
Kant, S. 1998. Non-market Valuation of Non-timber Forest Products. Invited Presentation at the Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal, India, August 20, 1998.
35. Kant, S. 1998. Sustainable Forest Management and its Future. Invited Presentation at the Zhejiang Forest University, Linan, Zhejiang, China, June 14, 1998.
Kant, S. 1998. Tropical deforestation and community forest management in India. Invited presentation made at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA. 30 January, 1998.
Kant, S. 1997. Sustainable forest management: criteria and indicators (Socio-Economics). Presentation in the Workshop on Biodiversity Indicators and Application to Forest Management. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, 11 December, 1997.