Referring Students

When a student expresses these interests or concerns please refer them to one or more of these UTM resources. You can also download a PDF version of the Student Resources for your convenience.

  • Career Centre: career exploration & counselling, practical experience, opportunities, graduate & professional schools information
  • Office of the Registrar: academic advising, registration & enrolment issues, course selection, degree eligibility checks, graduation requirements
  • Individual academic departments: interests related to majors, minors & specialist programs, course options, graduate programs

  • Academic Skills Centre: academic workshops, skills diagnostics, coaching; supporting a wide range of students, from academically struggling to high achieving
  • Instructors & teaching assistants: 1-to-1 discussion in office hours, labs & tutorials
  • Office of the Registrar: academic advising, academic rule concerns (petitions), probation & suspension concerns, withdrawal from courses
  • Library: research skills & support, individual consultations, workshops

  • Accessibility Services: accommodations for physical, learning, sensory & mental health disabilities, medical conditions

  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Office: diversity & equity support
  • Health & Counselling Centre: gender identity & sexual orientation
  • Campus Faith Leaders: faith-based support

  • UT Family Care: info, support & workshops on family leave, childcare, elder-care

  • Office of the Registrar: financial aid advising (government loans, grants), including reconsideration upon dramatic changes in family support; academic scholarships for high-performing students
  • Academic departments: scholarships in areas of academic study

  • International Education Centre: study abroad & international exchange opportunities, study permits, transition issues, work eligibility, immigration support

  • UT & UTM student organizations: academic societies, student governments, clubs across cultural, service, political, faith & other interests
  • Centre for Student Engagement: leadership, service & co-curricular opportunities
  • Career Centre: employment, volunteer & service opportunities
  • Recreation, Athletics & Wellness Department: competitive & recreational teams, fitness classes

  • Info & Instructional Technology Services: internet connectivity, passwords, online/remote learning tools

  • Health & Counselling Centre: physicians, nurses, health educators; also counsellors for relationship issues, grieving; workshops on stress management
  • U of T Telus Health Student Support (formerly named My SSP): 24-hour phone, web & app support for school, health & general life concerns
  • Recreation, Athletics & Wellness Department: broad range of casual, competitive, individual, instructional & team activities

  • UTM Campus Safety (formerly Campus police): emergency & safety concerns, after-hours crisis support
  • Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre: safety planning, victim support
  • WalkSafer Service: walking escorts across campus

  • Centre for Student Engagement: peer-led workshops, mentors, programs
  • Academic Skills Centre: academic workshops, skills diagnostics, coaching; supporting a wide range of students, from academically struggling to high achieving
  • Library: research skills & support, individual consultations, workshops

Students in UTM Residences have access to additional layers of support through that department’s student peer support team of residence dons & residence education facilitators, along with on-site/live-in professional staff.

Note that university services respect student privacy and will not share confidential information with parents/families.