Please see below for a collection of Professor Ed Schatz's latest articles.
Israel vs. Gaza: Sure, pick a side but don’t dehumanize those you disagree with | The Toronto Star
Date: November 23, 2023
Professor Ed Schatz, in his Toronto Star op-ed titled "Israel vs. Gaza: Sure, pick a side but don’t dehumanize those you disagree with," addresses the distressing events in Israel and Gaza, acknowledging the widespread horror and human suffering that directly impacts many Canadians with personal connections to the region. Schatz emphasizes the need to prevent the conflict from eroding fundamental human values within our society. Read more here.
Kazakhstan’s leaders promised middle-class comfort. Then they raised prices. | The Washington Post
Date: January 7, 2022

In this Washington Post piece, Professor Edward Schatz shares key insights into what is happening in Kazakhstan, especially in the sharp rise of fuel prices. His research shares three broad factors: first, authoritarian leaders are overconfident, second, authoritarian rulers do not only embed in power but also create myths to promise to citizens and lastly, the Nazarbayev's successor miscalculated his strategy. Read more here.