Rawan Barakat
Current Position
Currently, I am in the process of applying to law schools in Canada and preparing for the Law School Admission Test. I also work as a Compliance Analyst at the G20 Research Group. I write and update analytical reports on G20 members (namely France and Russia) with the commitments they have made in summits.
Favourite Memories at UTM
My involvement in the Political Science and Pre-Law Association was definitely one of the highlights of my undergraduate journey. I was an associate to the Finance Director in my third year and Vice-President in my fourth year. The experience allowed me to interact with professors outside the classroom setting and several students within the same discipline. Several courses I took allowed me to focus on the fields of political science I take an interest in, such as the course "Managing International Military Conflict" taught by Professor Justin Bumgardner. Academically, my greatest achievement was graduating with high distinction.
Message from Rawan
I would highly recommend any student in political science and beyond to get involved in societies and clubs on campus. Through doing this, I was able to get to know my professors better, make lifelong friends, and gain several networks along the way. It provides you with experience and skills that you may not be able to get anywhere else!