Associate Professor Randy Besco
During Professor Besco’s time as an undergraduate student, Canada was experiencing increasing debates over multiculturalism, immigration, and racism. But that seemingly got pushed to the wayside when political parties in Canada began pursuing pro-immigration policies and supporting people of colour. This shift is what sparked Professor Besco’s interest in studying elections and public opinion, and especially the role of race, ethnicity, and immigration.
Currently, Professor Besco’s project is about how discrimination and group attacks affect political participation. More specifically, exploring whether or not it leads to mobilization and increases participation, or to alienation and reduced participation. But if you’re interested in reading some more of his work, check out his book Identities and Interests: Race, Ethnicity, and Affinity Voting or his co-authored journal article Who Controls the Purse Strings? A Longitudinal Study of Gender and Donations in Canadian Politics.
But if Professor Besco could impart a little wisdom for you, he would tell you it’s always possible to turn things around and come back from failure or rejection. This coming from experience when UofT did not offer him admission! Other nuggets of wisdom he can give you include: the perfect snack and a plethora of epidemiologist recommendations!