If you're parking on campus, we have a number of permit options for you. Whether you're a student, staff, contractor, or something else entirely - we have solutions for you!
Please select below who you are and you'll see your options.
Should you still have unanswered questions, email us and we'll help you out!
What permit is best for you?
New Updates
Frequently Asked Questions
General Permit Information
- All Annual Permits expire August 31st
- Parking on campus is limited and not guaranteed during peak hours
- Parking permit availability is not guaranteed
- All parking lots, areas, and roadways are strictly enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- There is no free parking available on campus
The purchase of a parking permit indicates your acceptance and agreement to obey all UTM Parking Regulations. Failure to do so will result in fines and possibly the loss of parking privileges.
Permits are Virtual!
Registering the license plate of your vehicle(s) will serve as a ‘virtual permit’.
Parking Permits for UTM Students
Student who do not live on campus
General Permit Information
- Permits are sold on a first come, first served basis to UTM students, staff & faculty only
- Except for P1 permits, which will be assigned via lottery
- Availability is not guaranteed
- Permits are for use in available, regularly-lined spaces only, and do not necessarily guarantee availability
- Parking in barrier free, reserved and car pool spaces are prohibited, unless authorized by special permit
- All permits purchased during the presale in August are valid as of September 1, 2024 and are subject to the full annual or sessional rate
- Permits purchased after September 1, 2024 are valid as of the purchase date, pro-rated according to the month purchased
- The last day to cancel any Annual student permit is March 7, 2025
- Sessional permits may be cancelled any time according to the refund schedule
- Rates include HST
2024-25 Student Permits are now available
How do I apply?
- Visit the website: parking.utm.utoronto.ca/
- Use the “Student Permits” option:
- Login with your UTORid (or JOINid if you haven’t yet activated your UTORid)
- Update/verify your account details and contact information
- Click on “Order Permits”
- Choose the Student permits category
- Select your preferred permit type and make your purchase
- Accepted methods of payment:
- VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit
Permits are fully Virtual
- Please ensure your vehicle information is accurate and license plates are registered to your permit:
- A maximum of three (3) vehicles may be registered to a single permit
- Update your vehicle info any time by logging into your account
- For more information, please visit utm.utoronto.ca/parking/license-plate-recognition-lpr
Annual Permits | STUDENTS
Valid September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025
Lot | Permit Cost | Monthly Breakdown |
CCT Garage | $1,541.50 | $128.46 |
P9 | $987.06 | $82.25 |
P5 | $1,242.94 | $103.58 |
*P1 | $1,280.23 | $106.69 |
P4 & P8 | $862.73 | $71.89 |
Evening | $256.35 | $21.36 |
Purchase totals may differ slightly due to tax calculation rounding
Cancellation or Refunds
- The last day to cancel a student annual parking permit for a prorated refund is March 7, 2025
- A $25.00 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations
Sessional Permits | STUDENTS
Sessional parking permits are available to UTM students only and are valid in Lots P4 & P8
Session | Permit Cost | Monthly Breakdown |
Fall & Winter | $725.96 |
Fall | $362.98 | |
Winter | $362.98 | |
Summer | $362.98 |
Purchase totals may differ slightly due to tax calculation rounding
Cancellation or Refunds
- Sessional permits can be cancelled at any time
- A $25.00 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations
*P1 Permit Details | STUDENTS
P1 has a very limited capacity and exceptionally high demand
To be fair, and in accordance with community feedback, P1 permits are allocated via a lottery system
P1 Lottery details
UTM staff, faculty, and students may enter the lottery for a P1 permit by joining the waitlist
Only those selected in the lottery will be contacted via email for arrangements to exchange their existing permit for a P1 permit
All other participants will remain in the lottery pool
P1 Waitlist details
If you applied and are not allocated a permit via the lottery, your application will remain active on the waitlist
How to join the P1 waitlist
Login to the parking purchase website
Click on “Order Permits” and join the P1 Waitlist
P1 has a very limited capacity of just over 30 spaces and exceptionally high demand
Other important P1 information
If you require parking, please be sure to purchase an available permit for your preferred alternate lot
In the event of a cancellation, an additional P1 permit may become available at some point throughout the year
Any P1 permits that become available throughout the year (this is rare) will be reallocated through a lottery system
Cancellations for this lot are uncommon, so additional permits are rarely available
Please note:
P1 is the only parking area available on the North side of campus, and as such permit holders may be asked to relocate to other lots on occasion (typically during the summer months) in order to accommodate special campus activities and events
Parking Permits for UTM Students Living in Residence
General Permit Information
- UTM has designated resident parking in lots P5, P7 & P10
- The capacities of lots P7 & P10 are very limited (less than 20 spaces each)
- To be fair, spaces in those lots are allocated via a lottery system, per the chart below
- Families with young children living in residence will be accommodated first
- Resident parking in P7 & P10 is limited and not guaranteed
2024-25 Resident Parking Permits
How do I apply?
- Visit the website: parking.utm.utoronto.ca/
- Use the “Student Permits” option:
- Login with your UTORid (or JOINid if you haven’t yet activated your UTORid)
- Update/verify your account details and contact information
- Click on “Order Permits” and purchase a Resident P5 permit
- Accepted methods of payment:
- VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit
Permits are fully Virtual
- Please ensure your vehicle information is accurate and license plates are registered to your permit:
- A maximum of three (3) vehicles may be registered to a single permit
- Update your vehicle info any time by logging into your account
- For more information, please visit utm.utoronto.ca/parking/license-plate-recognition-lpr
Resident Waitlist Information
- To be considered for the P7 & P10 lottery, please select “join the waitlist” for either the P7 (Families with young children), P7 or P10 lottery.
- Please select the P7 “Families with young Children” permit type only if this situation applies to you.
- Be sure to purchase a Resident P5 permit even if you’re joining the waitlist for P7 or P10. Permits will be exchanged for those chosen in the lottery.
Lottery Lot Assignment: Tuesday August 21, 2024
- Lottery will be held for P7 & P10
- Email Notifications will be sent to those chosen via the lottery
- Families with young children living in residence will be accommodated first.
- Only those assigned a permit for P7 and P10 will be contacted by email
- If you do not receive an email with regard to the lottery, your designated lot will remain as P5.
- All entrants remain on the waitlist for any P7 or P10 permits that may become available throughout the year (also assigned via lottery).
Annual Resident Permits
September 1 – August 31
Lot | Resident Details |
P5 |
*P5 permits are currently available!* |
P7 |
*P7 permit applications are currently waitlisted!* |
P10 |
*P10 permit applications are currently waitlisted!* |
Find Resident Parking Permit rate & refund information here |
Parking Permits for UTM Staff & Faculty
General Permit Information
- Permits are sold on a first come, first served basis, with the exception of P1 permits, which will be assigned via lottery
- Availability of parking permits is not guaranteed
- Permits are for use in available, regularly-lined spaces only, and do not necessarily guarantee availability
- Parking in barrier free, reserved and car pool spaces are prohibited, unless authorized by special permit
- Permits are valid as of the purchase date, pro-rated according to the month purchased
- Rates include HST
Should I Buy A Permit or Pay Daily?
- If you will be on campus one day per week or less, it is cheaper to pay per visit
- If you will be on campus 2x per week or more, it's best to purchase a permit
2024-25 Staff Parking Permits
How do I apply?
- Visit the website: parking.utm.utoronto.ca/
- Use the “Staff/Faculty Permits” option:
- Login with your UTORid
- Update/verify your account details and contact information
- Click on “Order Permits” to purchase your permit
- Accepted methods of payment:
- Monthly payroll deductions
- Full-time continuing employees are encouraged to participate in monthly payroll deductions. You may cancel at any time.
- VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Visa Debit
Permits are fully Virtual
- Please ensure your vehicle information is accurate and license plates are registered to your permit:
- A maximum of three (3) vehicles may be registered to a single permit
- Update your vehicle info any time by logging into your account
- For more information, please visit utm.utoronto.ca/parking/license-plate-recognition-lpr
Annual Parking Permits | STAFF
September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025
Location | Monthly Cost | Annual Cost |
CCT Garage | $128.46 | $1541.50 |
P9 | $82.25 | $987.06 |
P5 | $103.58 | $1,242.94 |
P1 | $106.69 | $1280.23 |
P4 & P8 | $71.89 | $862.73 |
Evening | $21.36 | $256.35 |
Purchase totals may differ slightly due to tax calculation rounding
Temporary Permits | STAFF
- Available in 30, 60 & 90 day increments as of the start date chosen
- Valid in lots P4 & P8
- Cost $71.89 /30 days effective September 1, 2024
- Temporary permits are non-refundable
P1 Permits | STAFF
- P1 has a very limited capacity and exceptionally high demand
- To be fair, and in accordance with community feedback, P1 permits are allocated via a lottery system
Lottery details
- UTM staff, faculty, and students may enter the lottery for a P1 permit by joining the waitlist
- Only those selected in the lottery will be contacted via email for arrangements to exchange their existing permit for a P1 permit
- All other participants will remain in the lottery pool
Waitlist details
- If you applied and are not allocated a permit via the lottery, your application will remain active on the waitlist
How to join the waitlist
- Login to the parking purchase website
- Click on “Order Permits” and join the P1 Waitlist
- P1 has a very limited capacity of just over 30 spaces and exceptionally high demand
Other important information
- If you require parking, please be sure to purchase an available permit for your preferred alternate lot
- In the event of a cancellation, an additional P1 permit may become available at some point throughout the year
- Any P1 permits that become available throughout the year (this is rare) will be reallocated through a lottery system
- Note that cancellations for this lot are uncommon, so additional permits are rarely available
Please note:
P1 is the only parking area available on the North side of campus, and as such permit holders may be asked to relocate to other lots on occasion (typically during the summer months) in order to accommodate special campus activities and events
St. George Supplementary Permits | STAFF
- For those who wish to purchase a St. George supplementary permit, please indicate your intention by joining the waitlist
- UTM will forward your request to the St. George parking office and they will then contact you to make arrangements for the St. George campus
Parking Permits for Contractors
General Permit Information
- All vehicles parked on the UTM campus are required to be registered to valid, paid parking at all times, including contractor vehicles
- This includes hoarding areas and temporary parking locations
Commercial Permit
- $125.28 / calendar month
- flat rate, regardless of purchase date
- Valid in lots P4/P8 (unless otherwise arranged)
General Hourly / Daily Parking
- Varies by location
- $2.50-$3.00 per 1/2hr
- $15-20 Daily Max
Parking Permits for Evenings & Weekends
Available for all UTM community members
Evening & Weekend Permit
- Evening parking permits are valid in:
- Lots P4, P8 & P9
- Monday to Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day
- All day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays
- Lots P1, P5, P9 & the CCT Garage
- Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
- All day on Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays
- Lots P4, P8 & P9
$21.36 / month
Purchase an Evening & Weekend Permit
Parking Permits for Carpools
Primary tabs
To qualify for the Carpool Program, at least 2 UTM community members (students, faculty or staff), join together to form a carpool. They will bring one vehicle to campus at a time, therefore sharing the parking space and the cost of the parking permit.
How does it work?
- Designated carpool spaces are located in preferred locations of lots P5, P8, P9 & the CCT Garage
- Carpool permits cost the same as regular permits for each lot, but give users access to preferred, designated spaces
- Each registered carpool group may request up to 12 complimentary day parking passes per year for occasions where their carpool schedules do not align, and more than 1 member needs to park on campus at once.
- No member of a car pool can apply for or concurrently hold an additional non-carpool parking permit.
How to Apply
Carpool permits can be purchased during the regular staff and student presales for 2024-2025.
Only 1 carpool member purchases the permit, then registers other members information with the parking office.
Once you've purchased your carpool permit, Parking services will send an email with additional information, including the webform link.
Questions? Contact us!
Alumni House, Room 108
Making experiences, exceptional