- 1.1 By purchasing a virtual parking permit, the permit holder agrees:
- (1) any and all permits purchased remain under the authority of UTM Parking & Transportation Services. As such, UTM Parking & Transportation Services reserves the right to issue and/or revoke permits at its discretion.
- (2) to ensure the correct license plate(s) of the vehicle(s) parking on campus are registered to their permit. This is solely the responsibility of the permit holder. Should an alternate vehicle be parked on campus, that has not been registered by the permit holder in advance, a Penalty Notice (PN), also known as a ticket, may be issued and cannot be withdrawn by UTM Parking & Transportation Services under any circumstances.
- (3) Permits may be shared at the discretion of the permit holder. A permit is valid for one (1) single vehicle to be parked on campus at any given time. If multiple vehicles are parked on campus simultaneously that are only registered to a single permit, all of those vehicles are subject to enforcement. It is the sole responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that only 1 vehicle registered to their permit is parked on campus at any given time.
- (4) to park only in authorized parking areas designated by UTM Parking & Transportation Services – individual faculties and departments cannot give this permission.
- (5) to park in an orderly manner so as to occupy only the space required by the one vehicle.
- (6) to pay heed to requests by UTM Parking & Transportation Services’ Staff or Campus Safety concerning the parking of the vehicle.
- (7) to obey all regulatory traffic signs on the campus.
- (8) to obey all traffic directions given by UTM Parking & Transportation Services’ Staff or Campus Safety.
- (9) to park only in the lots specified by that permit
- 2.1 These regulations are authorized by the Principal of University of Toronto Mississauga, acting on the advice of the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Council within the power granted by the University of Toronto Act 1971, through the Governing Council.
- 2.2 Rules and regulations are enforced by the City of Mississauga.
- 2.3 These regulations are issued under the authority of UTM Parking & Transportation Services and apply in all areas owned by, or administered by, the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- 2.4 All persons using the University's parking facilities are subject to the regulations detailed herein. By purchasing a virtual parking permit and/or parking on campus, applicants agree to abide by these regulations.
- 2.5 The UTM Parking & Transportation Services Operations Manager is responsible for the supervision and administration of parking lots. Any questions concerning parking areas should be referred to UTM Parking & Transportation Services at parking.utm@utoronto.ca.
- 2.6 Neither the University of Toronto Mississauga, its' employees, or any parking staff employed by a 3rd party and performing work on behalf of the University of Toronto Mississauga, shall be responsible for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents, however caused. If you have any inquiries or concerns, please contact Campus Safety at (905) 828-5200.
- 2.7 These regulations reflect the current policies of the UTM Parking & Transportation Services including the current availability of parking spaces. Should parking conditions change, UTM Parking & Transportation Services reserves the right to modify these regulations.
- 3.1 The University of Toronto Mississauga Campus is private property. University of Toronto Mississauga reserves the right to control motor vehicle access, driving, and parking on this campus. This is done in accordance with these regulations, as well as the provisions of the current Trespass to Property Act.
- 3.2 Parking is permitted only in designated spaces and/or designated parking lots, as stipulated in these regulations.
- 3.3 UTM Parking & Transportation Services reserves the right to alter the type of permits issued with reasonable notice to permit holders.
- 3.4 Permits may not be sold, exchanged, given away, purchased from or issued by any person, or agency, other than UTM Parking & Transportation Services.
- 3.5 Storage of any vehicle is not permitted in any parking lot or garage. All vehicles must possess and clearly display a valid license plate.
- 3.6 All roads at University of Toronto Mississauga are Designated Fire Routes and are enforced as regulated by the City of Mississauga by-laws.
- 3.7 Parking and traffic regulations are enforced on campus throughout the year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes the regular academic year, all exam periods, break periods, and summer months.
- 3.8 The speed limit on campus roads is 30 km/h. The speed limit in all parking lots/driveways is 20 km/h. The speed limit in the CCT Garage and parking structures is 10 km/h.
- 3.9 Driving on any area other than roadways and parking lots is prohibited.
- 3.10 All persons operating motor vehicles in parking lots on campus must comply with the instructions of UTM Parking & Transportation Services’ Staff and/or Campus Safety.
- 3.11 While parking in any lot, drivers will make proper use of the marked spaces, leaving aisles, entrances, and exits unobstructed. Please, do not block other vehicles or driveways. Oversized vehicles (i.e. trucks/trailers/vehicles with hitches/bike racks) must park in an acceptable manner and abide by these regulations. Offending vehicles are subject to enforcement.
- 3.12 Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
- 4.1 Applicants must prove that they are eligible for parking permits. UTM Parking & Transportation Services reserves the right to deny or cancel a permit in cases where it is assessed that an applicant does not meet required criteria.
- 4.2 Faculty/Staff parking permits are issued only to active University of Toronto Mississauga faculty and staff.
- 4.3 A limited number of student permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis to UTM affiliated students. Eligibility is confirmed at the time of purchase. Parking permit availability is not guaranteed.
- 4.4 Car pool parking permits are issued to pools of two or more University of Toronto Mississauga students, faculty or staff members. Car pool vehicles may park in the designated carpool spaces in the parking lot for which the permit has been issued. No member of a car pool can apply for or concurrently hold a non-car pool parking permit.
- 4.5 University of Toronto Mississauga residents are not eligible for the car pool program.
- 4.6 Commercial parking permits are issued to a limited number of service people and contractors when a requirement for parking has been established. Commercial permits are only issued when parking is essential in the performance of the work. Commercial permits may be limited to specific parking location(s) as required. Authorized parking locations are subject to change in accordance with peak parking periods and parking lot capacities. In lieu of a valid permit, daily parking may be purchased from machines located throughout the campus.
- 4.7 Evening parking permits are issued to faculty, staff, students and visitors, to park in P4, P8 & P9, Monday to Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. the following day and all day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays. Evening parking permits are also valid in P1, P5 & the CCT Garage Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays.
- A valid, paid active permit registered to their account.
- An active, paid Pay-by-Plate or Pay-by-App session.
- 5.2 This regulation is in effect at all times throughout the year. Vehicles will be tagged/towed, at the owner's expense, for non-compliance.
- 5.3 Parking patrons (including staff, faculty and students) may acquire only one active permit at any time. Only one permit will be issued for each fee paid. Multiple permit purchases are prohibited. Parking privileges may be revoked for misuse.
- 5.4 Parking permits for lots P1 and P5 are assigned annually. Lot assignment via lottery may be required. Students may purchase permits based on availability. Pay-by-Plate or Pay-by-App parking is not permitted in P1 and P5 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
- 5.5 Parking lots P4, P8, P9 & the CCT Garage may be utilized by permit holders and daily pass purchasers.
- 5.6 Individual parking permits allow a registered vehicle to park in available non-marked spaces only, and do not necessarily guarantee availability. Parking in barrier free, reserved and car pool spaces are prohibited, unless authorized by special permit.
- 5.7 Residence parking permits are allocated as follows: Schreiberwood - P7, P6 and P5, McGrath Valley - P10 and P5, McLuhan Court, Putnam Place, Leacock Lane, Roy Ivor Hall, Erindale Hall and Oscar Peterson Hall - P5. Lots P6, P7 & P10 are reserved for resident parking on a 24-hour basis. Lot assignment is subject to availability at the time of purchase; subject to demand, lot assignment via lottery may be required. Lot preference is not guaranteed.
- 5.8 All University of Toronto Mississauga parking permits are valid in all University of Toronto Mississauga Parking lots after 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and Statutory Holidays (with the exception of all signed reserved spaces, car pool areas, Resident parking lots - P6, P7 & P10 and all short term parking facilities such as Inner Circle).
- 5.9 Motorcycles must be parked in designated areas only (see map). Motorcycles parked in any other location must be registered to an active, valid parking permit or active, paid Pay-by-Plate or Pay-by-App session.
- 6.1 A limited number of student permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis to UTM affiliated students. Eligibility is confirmed at the time of purchase. The availability of parking permits is not guaranteed.
- 6.2 Student parking permits are only valid in the designated lot(s) stipulated by the permit type. Vehicles may be tagged and/or towed for non-compliance.
- 6.3 University of Toronto Mississauga student permits are only valid at the Mississauga campus.
- 6.4 If a student wishes to cancel their permit, a prorated refund will be processed in accordance with the established cancellation schedule. A month’s value of a permit is considered used after the first five business days of the month. An automatic $25.00 administrative fee is applied to all cancellations.
- 6.5 No refunds will be issued for annual student permit cancellations made after the 5th business day of March in any given year.
- 6.6 Only the registered permit holder is authorized to make additions, changes or cancellations to the permit.
- 7.1 University of Toronto Mississauga faculty/staff permit holders may purchase a supplementary permit which would allow them to park at various designated locations on the St. George Campus. This supplementary permit is subject to a surcharge payable directly to the St. George Transportation Office.
- 7.2 Students wishing to park at the St. George campus must purchase a St. George parking permit. Please visit the St. George Transportation Services office for further information.
- 7.3 Parking Control Officers carry out routine surveillance of all parking areas on the St. George Campus, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Parking Violation Notices (tickets) are issued in accordance with city bylaw regulations. Transportation Services has no authority to rescind parking tickets.
St. George Contact information: transportation@utoronto.ca • transportation.utoronto.ca
- 8.1 Payment for faculty and staff parking permits may be made by Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, or American Express. Full-time continuing faculty/staff may be eligible for payroll deductions as a form of payment for some permit types. Eligibility will be verified by UTM Parking & Transportation Services. If an applicant is not eligible for payroll deductions, payment in full is required.
- 8.2 In cases where departments are paying for a parking permit, the authorization of the Principal, Dean or Director is needed, as well as valid departmental account numbers and the name of the person in the department who may authorize a journal entry for this purpose. If a faculty/department is paying for an individual's parking permit, it may be considered a taxable benefit. Please consult Human Resources for assistance in determining whether it is a considered a taxable benefit and the amount to be provided to the Payroll Department.
- 8.3 Payment for student parking permits may be made by Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard or American Express.
- 9.1 Permit holders wishing to cancel their permit must submit a request by logging into their account. Refunds for cancelled permits will be issued in accordance with the refund schedule posted on the UTM Parking & Transportation Services website. It is the permit holder's responsibility to send a cancellation request for a permit for refund by the stated dates in order to receive the stated refund amount.
- 9.2 No refunds will be issued for annual student permit cancellations made after the 5th business day of March in any given year. The refund schedule will be strictly followed - no exceptions will be made.
- 9.3 A permit must be cancelled when university employment is terminated. Please note that if you are re-applying for a permit after cancelling, you are not guaranteed availability in your desired area.
- 9.4 Initiated monthly parking permits, including partially used months, are non-refundable (evening, temporary, commercial).
- 10.1 Designated barrier free (accessible) parking spaces are located at the Inner Circle; next to the Student Centre; P1, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10; the CCT Garage and Alumni House.
- 10.2 In order to acceptably park in any designated barrier free (accessible) space on campus, the following conditions must be met:
- a valid Provincial Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit (APP) must be clearly displayed in the vehicle.
- The vehicle must be registered to an active UTM parking permit, Pay-By-Play or Pay-By-App session
In other words, visitors, staff, faculty and students may park in any barrier free (accessible) parking space in any lot on campus, provided a valid MTO Accessible Parking Permit (APP) is clearly displayed, and the vehicle is registered to valid, paid UTM parking.[BH14]
- 10.3 Vehicles parked illegally in barrier free (accessible) parking spaces may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.
- 11.1 EV Charging spaces are available on the lower level of P8
- 11.2 EV Charging spaces are to be used by vehicles while actively charging only. A maximum 2.5-hour time limit applies, after which charging fees apply.
- Charging fees do not include the price for parking. Any vehicle using an EV charging station must also pay for parking.
- 11.3 Any vehicles parked in EV Charging spaces while not actively charging are subject to enforcement.
- More information is available on the UTM Parking & Transportation Services Website.
- 11.4 Use of Wall Outlets Prohibited: It is not permitted to use electrical outlets in any parking facilities on campus to charge electric vehicles. Power cords present a significant risk as a tripping hazard, and the potential overloading of circuitry is a fire and power failure risk. There is also a risk of bodily harm if physical contact is made.
- 11.5 UTM Parking & Transportation Services is not liable for any damage caused to vehicles, or any property contained within, as a result of unauthorized use of electrical wall outlets for charging purposes.
- 12.1 During periods of construction, maintenance or snow removal, permit holders may be required to park their vehicle in a different location for an extended period of time.
- 12.2 Where necessitated by special events or other circumstances, UTM Parking & Transportation Services reserves the right to relocate permit holders within the University of Toronto Mississauga campus.
- 12.3 Storage of vehicles on campus is not allowed at any time. Except under extenuating circumstances agreed to by UTM Parking &Transportation Services, only vehicles licensed to faculty, staff or student permit holders who are required to live on the UTM Campus may be left on the campus overnight and/or for a period of more than one day. However, in such circumstances, it is the permit holder’s responsibility to be both accessible via normal communication channels (i.e. telephone, e-mail, etc.) and able to move their vehicle at any time in case they are required at the direction of Transportation Services.
- 12.4 Any requests for special consideration must be submitted via email to parking.utm@utronto.ca. The Parking Committee will assemble as necessary to consider requests or complaints in respect to parking. The Committee, whose decision will be final, will make all replies via email.
- 13.1 Pay-by-Plate parking is available in lots P4, P8, P9, P11, Alumni House or in the CCT Garage. It is also available in lots P1 & P5 between the hours of 5:00pm and 8:00am the following day on weekdays, and any time on weekends and statutory holidays. It will no longer be necessary to display receipts on your dashboard. Instead, you will input your license plate in the machine at the time of payment.
- 13.2 Pay-by-Play parking is valid only in the parking lot and for the time frame for which it is purchased, as indicated by the machine and on the receipt.
- 13.3 Failure to input the correct license plate in a Pay-by-Plate machine (meaning the paid parking will not be linked to the vehicle parked on campus) may result in the issuing of a ticket (PN) and/or the vehicle towed at the owner’s expense. Under such conditions, UTM Parking & Transportation Services will not withdraw said ticket or reimburse funds for any related expenses. There are no exceptions.
- 13.4 It is the responsibility of the individual purchasing parking using a Pay-by-Plate machine to ensure it’s for the correct amount. It is possible to exceed the daily maximum if one or both of the time or maximum time buttons are pressed multiple times. Various payment options are available including daily and overnight parking as well as half hour and hourly rates. A display shows the expiry date and amount to be paid. Check both before processing payment.
- 13.5 There are no refunds if, as a result of user error, the wrong parking location, time or date is selected. Additionally, if a ticket (PN) is issued and/or the vehicle is towed, UTM Parking & Transportation Services will not withdraw said ticket or reimburse funds for any related expenses. There are no exceptions.
- 13.6 Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances as a result of events (classes, meetings, etc.) being cancelled. There are no exceptions.
- 13.7 Refunds for individuals making over payments will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. UTM Parking &Transportation Services reserves the right to refuse any and all requests.
- 14.1 Parking on the campus is enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- 14.2 When parked on campus, vehicles must always possess and display a valid license plate and have one of the following:
- A valid, paid active permit registered to their account.
- An active, paid Pay-by-Plate or Pay-by-App session.
- Vehicles will be tagged/towed at owner’s expense for non-compliance. Under such conditions, UTM Parking & Transportation Services will not withdraw tickets or reimburse funds for any related expenses. There are no exceptions.
- 14.2 Tickets (PNs) are issued in accordance with city by-law regulations. UTM Parking & Transportation Services has no authority to rescind parking tickets. The City of Mississauga does not allow UTM Parking & Transportation Services to request withdrawals of any tickets.
- 14.3 Any vehicle improperly parked, parked in an unauthorized location, or parked without displaying a valid license plate may be ticketed and/or towed away at the request of a representative of UTM Parking & Transportation Services, Campus Safety or Police. The owner of a vehicle towed away under such circumstances shall be liable for any costs incurred thereby.
- 14.4 Tow orders (to be paid at the owner's expense) will be issued for any vehicle that has received three or more parking violations or is parked in a signed reserved area.
- 14.5 University of Toronto policy stipulates that smoking is prohibited in all University buildings. This applies to all individuals using University of Toronto facilities including employees, students and visitors. All parking garages and lots are designated as ‘non-smoking’ facilities, and, as such, smoking is not permitted on the premises. This policy is enforced under municipal by-law.
- 15.1 The Parking Committee will assemble, as necessary, to consider requests or complaints in respect to parking. All communications to the Committee must be done via email. The Committee will not consider appeals against parking tickets, which is the responsibility of the provincial courts or the City of Mississauga Administrative Penalty System (APS). The Committee, whose decision will be final, will make all replies via email.
- 15.2 The tagging and towing of vehicles, parked in violation of these regulations, will be performed by officers empowered to issue municipal parking tickets.
- 15.3 University of Toronto Mississauga has no authority to revoke a City of Mississauga parking infraction ticket. Ticketing issues must proceed through the City of Mississauga appeal system.
- 15.4 Municipal parking tickets are payable to the City of Mississauga.
- 15.5 Vehicles towed by the City of Mississauga will be released upon payment of towing and storage charges. These rates are set by the City and are liable to change without notice.
- 15.6 Inquiries about the release of towed vehicles will be answered by the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Safety. Room 3116, William G. Davis Building, Tel. 905.828.5200.
16) Pay-By-Phone Parking (AMP App)
- 16.1 Pay-by-phone (AMP Park) parking is available at various parking areas. More information is available on our website.
- 16.2 When using pay-by-phone, a receipt does not have to be displayed and a convenience fee is charged for each transaction.
- 16.3 It is the responsibility of the individual purchasing parking using our Pay-by-Phone app to ensure it’s on the correct zone, for the correct amount, and registered to the correct license plate. Different zones for Daytime and Evening/Weekend parking are identified, and a display shows the expiry date, amount to be paid, and vehicle to be registered. Confirm all before processing payment.
- 16.4 There are no refunds if, as a result of user error, the wrong parking zone, location, time, or vehicle is selected. Additionally, if a ticket (PVN) is issued and/or the vehicle is towed, UTM Parking & Transportation Services will not withdraw said ticket or reimburse funds for any related expenses. There are no exceptions.
- 16.5 Refunds will not be issued under any circumstances as a result of events (classes, meetings, etc.) being cancelled. There are no exceptions.
- 17.1 By submitting your application and purchasing a permit issued by Transportation Services, you consent to the collection, use and retention of certain personal and financial information, including your name, e-mail address, work and/or home address
- and employee information (i.e. personnel number) for Transportation Services creating an account for the issuance and management of all permits distributed by our office as well as payment for said permits.
- 17.2 Your personal information will only be shared with other University officials on a strict need-to-know basis. Any personal information collected will be treated as strictly confidential by the University.
- 17.3 The University may contract with third-party vendors to carry out the above purpose. The third-party vendor(s) may share the personal information provided with its directors, officers, employees, agents, partners, affiliates, volunteers or subcontractors from time to time who need to know it to provide the service.
- 17.4 All personal information is collected, transferred, accessed, encrypted and protected by the University through technical and process protections. All personal information will be securely deleted by the University when it is no longer required for its purpose. Transportation Services will retain your personal information for a maximum of seven years, after which time it will be deleted securely.
- 17.5 The personal information collected will not be used or distributed by the University for any commercial or monetary purpose.
- 17.6 If you have any questions about this notice, please contact us at parking.utm@utoronto.ca
Questions? Contact us!
Alumni House, Room 108
Making experiences, exceptional