Rafael Chiuzi
Room:KN 210
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Dr. Rafael Chiuzi is an experienced organizational psychologist with a strong, demonstrated capacity to leverage human capital for organizations and people alike. In his 15+ years of innovative implementation of business experience, he has been able to overcome widespread organizational challenges and successfully implement lasting and meaningful change.
His area of specialty, including his doctoral thesis, is the study and application of Psychological Contracts to leaders and teams. His psychological contract tool has been applied to succession planning, exploration and encapsulation of leadership identity, and the subsequent management of all related matters. As a result, Rafael has produced positive organizational enhancements for large Fortune 500 companies across the Globe.
Dr. Chiuzi is a published author and a highly sought-after keynote speaker for several Canadian and international corporations. He is a 2x TEDx Speaker and a member of the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus Council, and vice-chair of the Campus Affairs Committee.
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafaelchiuzi
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafaelchiuzi/
Chiuzi, R. M. & Malvezzi, S. Over 50 years of research on work psychological contracts: theoretical systematization and suggestion of a future research agenda. Revista de Carreira e Pessoas, 4 (3), p. 282-294.
Costa, L. V.; Chiuzi, R. M. & Dutra, J. F. Relations between career success perception and organizational commitment: a study among management university teachers. Revista de Administração da Unimep, 11 (2), p. 103-118.
Chiuzi, R. M.; Siqueira, M. M. M. & Martins, M. C. F. The positive organization’s dimensions and its impacts on workers’ well-being. Mudanças Psicologia da Saúde, 20 (1-2), p. 31-40.
Chiuzi, R. M.; Santos, C. C.; Matioli, B. P.; Santos, E. F.; Stevanatto, M. C.; Albeza, N. J. Different business areas and common problems: organizational behavior diagnostic at two organizations in Great São Paulo. Revista Eletrônica Gestão e Serviços, 3 (1), p. 394-412.
Chiuzi, R. M.; Leal, A. J.; Santini, F. F.; Bodenmuller, L. P.; Santos, T. R. Job satisfaction and involvement and organizational health perception among child education institutions: a comparison between public and private. . Revista Eletrônica Gestão e Serviços, 3 (1), p. 379-394.
Chiuzi, R. M. Peixoto, B. R. G. & Fusari, G. L. Conflict of generations in organizations: a social phenomenon interpreted by Erik Erikson’s theory. Revista Temas em Psicologia, 19 (2), p. 579-590.