
Why Study Italian Studies?

Italian Studies at UTM offers students exciting opportunities to turn theory into practice through their own agency, linking a variety of real-world applications to course content through, for example, collaborate research projects, community-integrated work, discussions with renowned scholars and industry professionals. These programs allow students to consider questions such as the following:

  • What impact does the "Made in Italy" phenomenon have on revealing, establishing, and reinforcing key societal norms and conventions?
  • Through exposure to the Italian language and cultural experiences, what connections differences and similarities - can we make to our own stories?
  • What intersections are there between the language as it’s presented in class and the language I speak at home?
  • What changes has the Italian language undergone over time?
  • How are the Italian language and culture experienced outside of Italy?
  • What is the impact of the Italian language and culture outside of Italy?
  • How do we deconstruct our current cultural views, beliefs, and misconceptions by identifying the historical, political, social, and cultural origins of language and culture?
  • How can we increase our overall intercultural understanding and appreciation?

The Department of Language Studies at UTM offers several programs in Italian Studies: 

Courses in these programs serve a multitude of purposes:

  • to allow students to recognize the relevance of the Italian language and culture;
  • to promote an appreciation of the Italian language and culture in authentic environments;
  • to assess the impact of how the origins and history of Italian food, fashion, and film intersect with other Italian cultural components such as political, socio-economics, economics, migration, gender, and self-expression;
  • to provide students opportunities to employ spoken and written Italian with ease, spontaneity, and organically in both personal and professional contexts;
  • to help students develop leadership skills throughout various collaborative opportunities, with peers and mentors;
  • to bring together theory and practice through various academic customized experiences; and
  • to connect how and why the practical learning experience applies to course content.

Italian Studies can be the first step along the path to numerous opportunities:

  • Graduate Studies in different areas, such as: Italian Studies, Cinema Studies, Comparative Literature, Diaspora Studies, Sexual Diversity Studies 
  • Education 
  • Travel and Tourism  
  • Translating 
  • Editing 
  • Print and Online Media 
  • Health Care Facilities 
  • Business: Importing and Exporting