Rosa Junghwa Hong
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, French Studies
Language Studies
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Maanjiwe nendamowinan, MN4152
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Rosa Junghwa Hong is Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, at the Department of Language Studies. Her research foci and interests are both in literary works by Franco-Canadian diaspora authors and in integrating innovative pedagogical approaches in FSL curriculum and course design. Currently, she leads research projects in the areas of Technology-enhanced language learning, Experiential Education, and narrative-based pedagogy of empathy. She is also the director of the University of Toronto Mississauga Language Academy.
Current Courses
Fall/Winter 2024-25:
- FRE181 (Introduction to French Studies)
- FRE283 (Intermediate Language Practice: Spoken French)
- FSL105 (Functional French - Novice)
- FSL106 (Functional French - Advanced Beginner)
- FSL305 (Functional French - High Intermediate I)
- FSL466 (French for Business Communication)
- PhD, French Literature, University of Toronto
- MA, French and Comparative Literature, Université de Tours, France
- Combined program of BA in French Literature and Language, Sang-Myung University, South Korea & BEd in French as a Second Language Teaching (secondary level)
Areas of Teaching and Research Interests
- Franco-Canadian diaspora writing
- French as a second language
- Second language pedagogies
- Technology-enhanced language learning
- Experiential education
- Curriculum mapping
Selected Publications
- Hebbinckuys, Nicolas, Rosa Hong, and Marie-Paule Lory. “Plateforme Interactive Autonomisante pour favoriser la réflexion des apprenant.e.s en production écrite.” Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada, no. 14, 2021, doi:10.21083/nrsc.v2021i14.6239.
- Rawle, Fiona, Tracy Bowen, Barbara Murck, and Rosa Hong. “Curriculum Mapping Across Disciplines: Differences, Approaches, and Strategies.” CELT, vol. X, 2017, doi:10.22329/celt.v10i0.4765.
- Hong, Rosa, and Stéphanie Cox. “Les enfants de Pitsémine : texte comme partrie chez Ying Chen et chez Ook Chung.” Journal Québec Studies Special Issue, ACQS, 2012.
- Editor, Journal of Second Language Pedagogy, Inaugural Edition, Department of Language Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga
- Guest Editor, Nouvelle Revie Synergy Canada, University of Guelph
Selected Grants, Fellowships and Awards
- UTM Priority Funding, Principal Investigator, 2017–2022, Audiost@t, tool to support students’ self-regulative learning strategies
- Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF), Co-investigator, 2019–2022, The Virtual Mystery Web-Tool
- Online Undergraduate Course Initiative program (OUCI), Principal Investigator, 2017–2018, Online Course Design
- Ministry of Training, Colleges, and University, Principal Investigator, 2014–2015, The Active Learning Online Redesign
- Eductional Technology Development, Audiost@t, French Pronunciation Assessment and Correction Platform
- French Summer Program, Experiential Education Program
- University of Toronto Mississauga Language Academy