
Michael Lettieri

Professor Emeritus, Italian Studies
Language Studies

Graduate Appointment: Graduate Italian Studies Program 

Michael Lettieri, Professor of Italian, served as Vice-Dean (Academic Experience), Acting Vice-Dean (Undergraduate), (Founding) Chair of the Department of Language Studies, Associate Dean (Humanities), and Vice-Principal (Academic) at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM). Lettieri also served as Dean and Associate Director of the Italian School at Middlebury College (1991–1995), and Director of the School (1995–2005). Highlights from his extensive list of publications include articles and books on textual criticism, 16th–18th-century drama, and second-language teaching and learning. He is a member of the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed publications and has served as Associate Editor (1994–2013) and Principal Editor of Italica, Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian (2014–2021). He is presently Co-Editor of Guerra Edizioni's journal Cultura e Comunicazione. Lettieri was also a member of the University of Toronto Press Manuscript Review Committee (2004–2011) and Business Manager of Italian Canadiana (the official journal of The Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, 1988–1999). 


  • PhD, Italian Studies, University of Toronto 
  • MA, Italian Studies, University of Toronto 
  • BA Hons, Italian and French, University of Toronto

Areas of Teaching and Research Interests

  • 16th–18th-century Italian literature 
  • Textual criticism
  • Italian theatre
  • Second-language teaching and learning
  • Applied linguistics

Selected Publications 


  • Lettieri M., & Morano, R. M. (2021). Antonio Liruti da Udine, Camilla. Tragedia. Nuova edizione critica [...]. Premessa di G. Tellini. Biblioteca di letteratura 27. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina. 
  • Lettieri M., & Morano, R. M. (2021). Ritratto d’artista: Ebe Cagli Seidenberg tra realtà della vita e realtà estetica. Literary Criticism Series, 21. New York/Ottawa/Toronto: LEGAS.
  • Lettieri, M., & Morano, R. M. (2014). Antonio Liruti da Udine, Sonetti sopra le tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri. Edizione critica. Saggio introduttivo, testi con apparati e note di commento [...]. Prefazione di G. Bárberi Squarotti. "Iride" 56. Soveria Mannelli (Italy): Rubbettino Editore. 
  • Danesi, M., Lettieri, M., & Bancheri, S. (2013). Con fantasia. Reviewing and Expanding Functional Italian Skills. Fourth Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (Instructor's Edition, Preface IE-8 + XV-475).
  • Bancheri, S., & Lettieri, M. (2010). Living Language Ultimate Italian: Beginner-Intermediate. A Complete Textbook with 40 Lessons and Reference Guide. Fourth Edition. New York: Living Language / Random House Inc. 

Articles & Book Chapters 

  • Lettieri, M. (2023). “Experiential Learning in Global Education: The University of Toronto Mississauga Case.” Intorno al senso. Studi in onore di Massimo Vedovelli. A cura di M. Barni e A. Villarini. Macerata (Italy): Edizioni Quodlibet. 
  • Lettieri, M., Banwait, R., Gaspini, L., & Pasquali, A. (2022). “Undergraduate Research as Transformative Experiential Learning.” Studi in onore di Carla Marello. A cura di A. Mollica e C. Onesti. Corciano (Perugia): Glu Distribuzione s.r.l.s. / Welland (Ontario): Soleil Publishing Inc. 
  • Lettieri, M. (2021). “Un artista tra due Mondi: uno sguardo critico su Silvio Mastrodascio.” Italia, Italie. Studi in onore di Hermann Haller. A cura di D. D’Eugenio, A. Gelmi e D. Marcucci. Milano: Mimesis Edizioni. 
  • Lettieri, M. (2021). “Mastrodascio nella tradizione figurativa mediterranea e occidentale.” Mediterranean Encounters and Legacies / Incontri e lasciti mediterranei. Edited by A. C. Vitti and A. J. Tamburri. New York, NY: Bordighera Press. 
  • Lettieri, M. (2018). “L’insegnamento della letteratura italiana in Nord America”. Cultura & Comunicazione VIII.13. 
  • Lettieri, M. (2018). “Sulle tracce in Nord America dell’alto magistero di Gino Tellini”. Studi di letteratura italiana in onore di Gino Tellini. A cura di S. Magherini. Collana “Biblioteca Palazzeschi”. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina. 

Selected Grants, Fellowships and Awards 

  • University of Toronto Mississauga Students' Union Faculty Award for Student Involvement, 2021
  • University of Toronto Northrop Frye Faculty Award, 2020
  • National Congress of Italian Canadians Spirit of Ontario Award, 2017 
  • Middlebury College Lilian Stroebe Centennial Medal, 2015
  • Commander of the Order of the Star of Italy Award, 2015
  • American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) Distinguished Service Award, 2011
  • University of Toronto President’s Teaching Award, 2011
  • SSHRC Research Grant, Principal Investigator, 2002–2007, Editing Renaissance Italian Tragedies: Problems and Opportunities
  • OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations) Teaching Award, 1993
  • University of Toronto APUS-SAC Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1987