Past events from 2024-2025

The Department of Language Studies and Centre for Student Engagement present

Student Program Planning Interactive Exhibition

Thursday, March 6, 10am-2pm (Alumni Café 11am-2pm), MN Grand Hall (Maanjiwe Nendamowinan Building)

SPPIE 2025 email banner

Student Program Planning Interactive Exhibition (SPPIE) is a drop-in event for students selecting their Programs of Study (POSt) this spring.

  • Explore your program of study (POSt) options with the Office of the Registrar, Career Centre, the Centre for Student Engagement, and other experts!
  • Enter an open space to ask questions about program selection, network and get advice from campus professionals, academic department representatives, and U of T Alumni!
  • Feel more confident in choosing the best program(s)for you!

No pre-registration is required. Simply check-in at MN.

The Department of Language Studies and UTM Career Centre present

Exploring Careers in Linguistics

Monday, March 3, 3-5pm; HUB Activity Room DV2220

Linguistics poster with face icon

Are you majoring or minoring in Linguistics? Curious about potential career paths and how to prepare for them?

Explore career options and gain a better understanding of the opportunities available to you. In this session, you'll learn how to assess and leverage your skills, begin mapping out your career path, and discover ways to gain relevant experience through internships, research, volunteering, and more.

Whether you're just starting your academic journey or approaching graduation, this session will help you expand your career possibilities and take the next step toward your professional future.


The Department of Language Studies presents

Parlons enseignement et apprentissage! Let’s Talk Teaching and Learning! 

Tuesdays and Thursdays (see below for dates and times); CDRS (MN 3230)

Lets Talk Teaching and Learning poster with speech bubbles by human face icons

À vos agendas! Mark your calendar!

Le groupe de discussion « Parlons enseignement et apprentissage! » se réunira pour des rencontres conviviales accompagnées d’un repas ou goûter dans les prochaines semaines.

Si vous vous intéressez à la pédagogie et souhaitez en parler en français, n’hésitez pas à nous rejoindre. Les inscriptions seront ouvertes 1 à 2 semaines avant chaque événement.

Toutes les rencontres auront lieu au CDRS (MN 3230).

Les mardis de 15h à 16h30 aux dates suivantes:

  • 11 février 2025
  • 11 mars 2025

Les jeudis de 12h à 13h30 aux dates suivantes:

  • 27 février 2025
  • 27 mars 2025
  • 3 avril 2025

Inscription nécessaire.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Chinese Lantern Festival Celebration

Tuesday, February 25, 5:30-7pm; MN 3230 (CDRS)

Chinese Lantern Festival poster with lantern and fish images

We have a new date for this event!

Celebrate the Lantern Festival with us through a series of engaging activities:

  • Discover the origins of the Lantern Festival
  • Guess at traditional Lantern riddles
  • Make your own paper lanterns
  • Savour a variety of Chinese snacks
  • Taste Tangyuan
  • Play Mahjong

All are welcome! We look forward to celebrating this joyful occasion with you!

The Department of Language Studies presents

Generative AI-Enhanced Teaching Workshop for Members of DLS

Wednesday, February 12, 1-3pm; MN 5128

DLS Gen AI Teaching Workshop Poster with robot hologram

The DLS Event Committee cordially invites you to a practical workshop on Generative AI-Enhanced Teaching in Language Studies, led by Ji-young Shin on Wednesday, February 12, 1:00-3:00pm in MN 5128. The workshop will be preceded by an informal lunch starting at 12:00pm. Lunch will be provided.

The workshop will begin with a brief introduction to the application of generative AI (GenAI) in language education and content knowledge instruction, followed by hands-on activities focused on developing and applying GenAI-enhanced teaching strategies. Through practical examples and interactive exercises, you will engage in creating course-specific GenAI chatbots and designing GenAI-enhanced tasks to support language learning and content knowledge building. You will also have the opportunity to share your insights and experiences, fostering meaningful, collaborative dialogue. Additionally, the workshop will explore types of tasks where GenAI is less effective or can be effectively avoided.

Please RSVP on the MS Form to help inform the catering order.

This teaching workshop is open to members of the Department of Language Studies.

UPDATE: Due to the weather, this event will take place via Zoom.

The Department of Language Studies presents

ITA255H5: Guest Lecture "Italiese in the Italian L2 Classroom" by Prof. Salvatore Bancheri and Prof. Simone Casini

Tuesday, February 11, 2025; 5:10-7pm

Italiese in the Italian L2 Classroom poster

We are delighted to welcome back Professor Salvatore Bancheri and Professor Simone Casini this coming Tuesday, February 11.

Sal and Simone will be delivering a guest lecture in ITA255H5S, 5-7pm, on the impact of Italiese, a hybrid language of the Italian-Canadian community.

Please see the attached poster for details and contact Dr. Adriana Grimaldi at to RSVP.

The Department of Language Studies, Department of Visual Studies, and the Department of English & Drama present

We Were Here Film Screening and Q&A with Director Fred Kuwornu

Monday, February 3, 2025, 5-7pm; IB 120

Poster showing author and Black African women

Italian Studies, UTM, warmly invites you to attend an upcoming screening of We Were Here - The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe (2024), and the Q&A to follow, with filmmaker Fred Kuwornu.

Film synopsis:

We Were Here - The Untold History of Black Africans in Renaissance Europe, exhibited in the Central Pavilion directed by Adriano Pedrosa at the 60ᵗʰ International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, sheds light on the overlooked presence of African and Black individuals in Renaissance Europe, highlighting their depiction in masterpieces by some of the era’s most celebrated artists. How did they come to Europe? Why were they portrayed? Were they truly all servants or slaves? If the Black faces portrayed in these Renaissance masterpieces could speak, what would they tell us?

Filmmaker Biography

Fred Kudjo Kuwornu is an Afro-Italian and U.S. multi-hyphenate socially-engaged artist, filmmaker and scholar based in New York. His work bridges past and present, exploring identity and race through historical remixing of archival materials. Kuwornu's films have been exhibited at the 60ᵗʰ Venice Art Biennale (2024), Museum of Moving Image (NY), Library of Congress, and international film festivals.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Parlons enseignement et apprentissage ! Let’s Talk Teaching and Learning!

Thursday, January 30, 2025, 12:10pm-1:30pm; CDRS (MN 3230)

Let's talk teaching and learning poster with face icons with speech bubbles

Lunch pédagogique - January 30, 2025 from 12.10 to 1.30pm 

Tu es intéressé.e par l'enseignement et tu aimerais avoir l’occasion de parler en français de pédagogie ? 

Rejoins-nous pour un lunch convivial le 30 janvier de 12h10 à 13h30 au CDRS.

Lunch inclus.


Inscription nécessaire avant le 23 janvier.

The Department of Language Studies presents

ITA255H5: Guest Lecture "The Secret of Bald Island" by Prof. Konrad Eisenbichler

Tuesday, January 28, 2025; 5:10-7pm

The Secret of Bald Island Poster

Join this guest lecture by Prof. Konrad Eisenbichler, Professor Emeritus.

To RSVP, email Adriana Grimaldi.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Chinese Spring Festival Celebration

Monday, January 27, 2025, 5:30pm-7:00pm; CDRS (MN 3230)

Chinese Spring Festival Celebration poster with snake and lantern imagery

Join us for a joyous celebration of the Year of the Snake!

Experience the vibrant traditions of the Spring Festival with activities including:

  • Discovering the origins and customs of Chinese Spring Festival.
  • Writing "Fu" (福) and "Chun" (春) calligraphy for good fortune.
  • Enjoying exciting Spring Festival activities, including Mahjong, paper-cutting, snake-themed artwork, and more!
  • Tasting delicious festive snacks.
  • Joining a lucky raffle with exciting prizes!

All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you!

The Department of Language Studies and International Education Centre present

International Education Week Event Spotlight: Toronto's Unique Style of English

Thursday, November 21, 2024, 12-1pm; MN 5128

Did you know that the “Toronto accent” has influences from Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, and Middle Eastern cultures?

Join us as Prof. Derek Denis shares how different cultures have mixed to create this unique accent.

Visit the International Education Centre's website for more information on this event.

The Department of Language Studies presents

In Conversation with Melania Mazzucco, Award-Winning Italian Author and Novelist

Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 1-3pm; DV 3129

Melania Mazzucco poster

This Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the course ITA307 Italian Novels on the Big Screen will be welcoming multi-award winning Italian author and novelist Melania Mazzucco. She will be joining us in DV3129 for a lecture and Q&A session from 1-3 pm. This event is open to anyone who wishes to join.

Melania Mazzucco is an award-winning Italian author and novelist. Some of her works include: Il bacio della Medusa (1996; Medusa's Kiss), La camera di Baltus (1998; Baltus's Room), Lei così amata (2000, Premio Napoli; She, So loved), Un giorno perfetto (2005; A Perfect Day), La lunga attesa dell'angelo (2008, Premio Bagutta; The Long Wait for the Angel), Jacomo Tintoretto e i suoi figli (2009, Premio Comisso; Jacomo Tintoretto and his Children). Her novel Vita (2003), about the immigrant experience for Italians in America, won the prestigious Strega Prize, Italy's most important literary award. Her novel Limbo (2012), focusing on a woman soldier in Afghanistan, was awarded the Premio Bottari Lattes Grinzane, Premio Elsa Morante, Premio Rhegium Julii, and Premio Giacomo Matteotti. Her most recent novel is L'architettrice (2019) Premio Alassio, Premio Capalbio, Premio Alassio, Premio Dessì, Premio Corrado Alvaro e Libero Bigiaretti, Premio lo Donna, Premio Stresa, Premio Mastercard, Premio Manzoni, Premio Righetto. Her books have been translated all over the world.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Chinese Drift Lacquered Fan (Qī shàn) Workshop: Exploring China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage

Thursday, November 14, 2024, 5:30-6:30pm; MN 5128

Qi Shan Workshop Poster

The Qīshàn, or drift lacquered fan, is created via a traditional Chinese technique that combines lacquerware artistry with fan-making. Using the technique of floating colours on water and then dipping the fan to create unique patterns, it highlights the beauty of traditional Chinese colours and contemporary craftsmanship.

If you'd like to learn more, we warmly invite you to join us at our Qīshàn workshop!

The UTM Office of the Registrar, Career Centre, and the Centre for Student Engagement present

Pathways to Programs (P2P): Preparing for Program Selection

Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 10am-3pm; Kaneff Rotunda

PSP Poster 2024

Event date & Time: Drop-in event on November 6, 2024 from 10AM – 3PM

Location: Kaneff Rotunda (or simply the Kaneff Building) 

Calling all new UTM students! As you approach the end of your first semester, Pathways to Programs (P2P) will allow you to prepare to apply for your program of study (POSt) in March. Join this event hosted by the Office of the Registrar, Career Centre, and the Centre for Student Engagement to explore program options, understand the POSt system, and align your academic path with future career prospects.

Drop by the Kaneff Rotunda anytime between 10 AM and 3 PM on November 6. Express program selection workshops will occur at 10 am online and at 2 PM in KN108. Learn more at

The Department of Language Studies presents

The Language of Being Human: A Talk by Prof. Julie Sedivy

Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 4-5:30 PM; MN3230 (CDRS)

We're happy to announce that Prof. Julie Sedivy will be joining us on November 5 to give a talk called "The Language of Being Human". 

Everyone is welcome to attend!

See below for the abstract.


The language of being human

From the perspective of an artificial language model, language is the collection of statistical patterns that allows a system to produce novel arrangements of grammatical sentences deemed to be coherent. But human language is imbued with additional properties: it is entangled with our sensory and bodily memories, it is embedded within social interactions, and (particularly when spoken or signed) it is subject to the strictures of real time. For humans, it can also be a source of pleasure. In this talk, I will discuss the implications of these additional human properties vis à vis the encroaching presence of artificial language models in our lives and in our work: what can these models contribute to the teaching, production, and enjoyment of language, and where do they leave gaps that must be filled by other humans?

The Department of Language Studies presents

ITA420H5F: Prof. Marco Lettieri  on "Visualizing Dante: Alfonso D'Aragona's Manuscript Edition of the Divine Comedy

Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 9:15-10:15am; by Zoom

ITA420H Guest Lecture

You are invited to attend a special talk by Prof. Marco Lettieri (University of Puerto Rico) on "Visualizing Dante: Alfonso D'Aragona's Manuscript Edition of the Divine Comedy".

The talk will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9:15AM on Zoom.

Requests for the Zoom link and any questions can be directed to Dr. Tatiana Selepiuc-Colella ( 

The Canadian Language Museum presents

Canadian Language Museum event: Ai Taniguchi's l'IMAGE project

Saturday, November 2, 2024, 2-5pm; Glendon Gallery

Ai Taniguchi Comic Event

Prof. Ai Taniguchi’s l’IMAGE comic series, featuring UTM students and their language experiences, is currently on display at the Canadian Language Museum (Glendon Gallery, York University Glendon Campus). The exhibit is on for the whole semester, through December 4, and there will be a reception on Saturday, November 2nd!

Student Recruitment and Admissions, UTM  presents

Fall Campus Day (for Future Students)

Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 10am-3pm; UTM

We're excited to welcome high school students and anyone else interested in attending UTM (or supporting students who may be interested in attending UTM) this Sunday.

See the schedule and the website for more information, and join our presentation at noon in DH 2080!
We'll also be at the Arts Programs Fair in MN.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Computational Linguistics Certificate Launch Event

Friday, October 11, 2024 from 1-3pm; MN 3230 (CDRS)

Certificate in Computational Linguistics launch event poster

Students! Curious about what computational linguistics is and how it can be applied?

Join us for the Certificate in Computational Linguistics launch event, happening on Friday, October 11, 2024 from 1-3pm in CDRS (MN 3230)

You'll get a chance to learn more about the certificate and hear from students and faculty on how computational linguistics is used in research and industry. There will also be a student panel of alums of computational linguistics courses, who will be able to answer any questions you may have about what they're like! Stay for the mixer afterwards! 

Light refreshments will be provided. Everyone is invited to attend!

If you have any questions, feel free to email Prof. Barend Beekhuizen ( or Prof. Mai Ha Vu (

The Department of Language Studies presents

Graduate School in Linguistics Information Session

Monday, October 7, 2024, 4-5:30pm; DV 3140 (UTM Room)

Linguistics Graduate School Info Session poster

We'll be hosting the second event of our "Linguists at Work" series on Monday, October 7.

If you're curious about what graduate studies in Linguistics is like, and wondering if it might be for you, come join us for our Linguistics Graduate School Information Session!

You'll get a chance to hear from UTM alums currently in graduate programs in Linguistics and there will also be an information session, followed by open Q & A. 

Snacks will be provided!

Join us 4-5:30pm in the UTM Room (DV 3140)!

RSVP and submit your questions in advance!

The Department of Language Studies presents

A Talk with Jenna Tang: Translator of Lin Yi-Han's Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise

Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 12-1:30pm; CDRS (MN 3230)

Jenna Tang book talk poster
Join us on September 24 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm in CDRS (MN 3230) for a talk with Jenna Tang, translator of Lin Yi-Han's novel Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise.
Highlights of the talk will include discussion of:
  • the artistry and challenges of translating Chinese literature to English
  • the duality of aesthetics, betrayal, and love in literature
  • the novel's profound influence on the #MeToo movement in the Chinese-speaking world

This talk will be conducted in Chinese.

Special thanks to the Taipei Cultural Center of TECO in New York.


This event may involve topics about sexual violence, suicide and mental health issues, which are all critical themes that are detailed in the novel, Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise. If you feel overwhelmed, you may choose not to participate in the discussion, leave the event and/or ask for help if ever needed.

The English edition of Fang Si-Chi's First Love Paradise was published by HarperVia in the United States in June of this year. The translation was completed by Taiwanese writer and literary translator Jenna Tang. In an interview with the Central News Agency, Jenna expressed her hope that the translation would allow international readers to grasp the emotional journey of trauma survivors and offer a new opportunity for the Chinese edition to reach audiences, highlighting the book’s critical issues.

Jenna has been passionate about languages since childhood and began her translation work in high school. She studied French in the Department of European Languages and Literature at National Chengchi University and later pursued a Master’s degree in Creative Writing at The New School in New York. Now based in New York, Jenna works as both a writer and a translator. In 2021, she was recognized as one of the top eight emerging translators in the United States. She currently serves as Chair of the Equity Advocates Committee of the American Literary Translators Association, specializing in literary translation between Chinese, English, French, and Spanish.

The Department of Language Studies presents

Mid-Autumn Festival

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 5:30-7pm; CDRS (MN 3230)

Mid-Autumn Festival 2024



The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in Chinese culture, as well as in many other cultures. Join us to learn more about the Chinese traditions in celebrating this festival!

  • Discover the cultural significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival
  • Taste delicious mooncakes
  • Learn to sing a beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival song
  • Participate in a fun traditional arrow-throwing game, 投壶 (tóu hú)

Refreshments and snacks will be provided!

All students, staff, and faculty are welcome!

We look forward to seeing you!

The Department of Language Studies presents

Information Session: Speech-Language Pathology

Monday, September 16, 2024, 4-5:30pm; DV (Davis) 3130CC

Speech-Language Pathology Info Session poster

Curious about Speech-Language Pathology?

Wondering what steps are needed to get into a graduate program, what the program is like, and what career options there are?

  • Hear from a UTM alum currently in the program about their experience
  • Info session followed by open Q+A
  • Snacks will be provided!

RSVP and submit your questions in advance!

Part of the "Linguists at Work" series

The Department of Language Studies presents

Program Information Sessions and DLS Meet & Greet

Friday, September 13th, 2024, 12-2pm; MN 5128/MN 6128 and the MN 4th floor patio

Program Info Session and DLS Meet & Greet


You are invited to attend program information sessions and a departmental meet & greet, all happening on Friday, September 13!

See below for the schedule:



   MN 5128: Program information session on French & LTL

   MN 6128: Program information session on Linguistics



   MN 4th floor patio: Department of Language Studies Meet & Greet 

Refreshments will be provided.


We look forward to seeing you there!

The Department of Language Studies and the UTM Centre for Student Engagement present

UTM Orientation 2024

Friday, August 30th to Saturday, September 7th, 2024

UTM Orientation 2024

We're excited to welcome all of the incoming first-year students to UTM! 


Come listen to our welcome presentation in CC 1140 on Saturday, September 7 at 11am to learn more about our courses and programs, and then visit our booth in the IB Atrium from 12pm until 2pm to talk to us in person!

Hope to see you there! 


See details on UTM Orientation and information about our session