Banner with pumpkins and leaves in bubbles

November was packed with events!

Guest Talks

On Tuesday, November 5, we welcomed Prof. Marco Lettieri (University of Puerto Rico), who gave a talk on "Visualizing Dante: Alfonso D'Aragona's Manuscript Edition of the Divine Comedy", and Prof. Julie Sedivy, who joined us for a discussion on "The Language of Being Human".

On Wednesday, November 20, ITA307 Italian Novels on the Big Screen welcomed multi-award-winning Italian author and novelist Melania Mazzucco, who gave a lecture and Q&A session.

And on Thursday, November 21, 2024, as part of International Education Week, Prof. Derek Denis gave a talk on Toronto's unique style of English, sharing how the “Toronto accent” has influences from Caribbean, South Asian, East Asian, and Middle Eastern cultures.

Prof. Derek Denis provides talk on Toronto's unique style of English

Cultural Event

The Chinese Drift Lacquered Fan (Qī shàn) Workshop, led by Dr. Xinliang Jiang, took place on Thursday, November 14. Participants learned how Qīshàn, the Chinese drift lacquered fan, is created and explored lacquerware artistry with fan-making.

In the Community

On Saturday, November 2, the Canadian Language Museum held a reception for the opening of Prof. Ai Taniguchi's l'IMAGE comic series exhibit at the museum. This exhibit features the lives and stories of UTM students and their language experiences.

On Saturday, November 30, Prof. Emily Atkinson, Prof. Rosa Hong, Prof. Mai Ha Vu, and Jester Manansala hosted booths at the Kids' Passport to UTM event, an event for U of T alumni and their families. Mai Ha introduced the community to interesting research, which found linguistic patterns in the Japanese names of Pokémon that appeared to correspond to different levels of strength, size, and evolution.