The Department of Language Studies presents
Guest Lecture: Vers une pédagogie décoloniale dans Manikanetish de Naomi Fontaine
Monday, March 24, 10am; MN5128 or Zoom

As part of the course FRE343H5S - Indigenous Literatures in Quebec and Francophone Canada, Sophie Feng (U. Toronto) will provide a guest lecture on the novel Manikanetish by Naomi Fontaine and decolonial pedagogy.
The lecture will take place on Monday, March 24 at 10:00 am. It will be held simultaneously at UTM (Maanjiwe Nendamowinan, Room 5128) and on Zoom. The lecture will be delivered bilingually (French-English).
Information and registration:
For further information, contact:
Everyone is welcome!
The Department of Language Studies and Centre for International Experience present
Minor in Global Leadership Info Session
Wednesday, March 26, 4-5pm; virtual
The Minor in Global Leadership (MGL) is a limited-enrollment program that requires a supplementary application. The application window will open on February 1, 2025. Interested students will have until May 31, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. to complete and submit their supplementary applications.
To learn more, register for the virtual March 26 info session (4-5pm).
From the Academic Calendar: The Minor in Global Leadership, facilitated in partnership between multiple Faculties across all three U of T campuses, develops students’ collaborative global leadership skills and capacity to critique what is global leadership and how this concept is understood and challenged in diverse disciplines and global cultures. The Minor integrates theory and practice, and provides a forum for students to engage across disciplines and geographical contexts. The Minor includes interdivisional student experience, community engagement and completion of a globally partnered capstone project.
ÉFUTM presents
French Conversation Circles
Every other week: Mondays 2-3pm (MN 2264), Tuesdays 3-4pm (MN 2150)

Interested in practicing speaking in French? The French Conversation Circles are open to French learners and speakers of all levels and experiences, and they happen twice a week, biweekly. Scan the QR code to learn more.
ÉFUTM presents
General Member Sign-Up

Are you a student interested in the French language and culture?
Sign up today to become a general member of ÉFUTM (Les Étudiants Francophones de l'Universite deToronto Mississauga)!
Join the mailing list to be the first to know about game nights, conversation circles, and the other fun events planned for 2024–25!
The Department of Language Studies and IMACC presents
IMACC Program 2024–2025: Mentee Sign-Up

Are you a current UTM international student looking for a mentor? We are excited to announce that mentee applications for the 2024–2025 program are now open! Do you want to make new friends, practice English skills, learn about Canadian culture and earn CCR? Become an IMACC mentee! Space is limited, so sign up now if you would like a mentor!
Applications are open throughout the year.