In support of its commitment Weheechetowin: Answering the Call, UTM hosts numerous spaces whose construction has been guided by Traditional Knowledge keepers.
Maanjiwe nendamowinan
The name Maanjiwe nendamowinan—"gathering of minds" in Anishnaabewmowin—was recommended by the Mississauga of the Credit First Nation (MCFN), on whose traditional territory the campus now stands.
The building's awe-inspiring design, which won an urban design award form the City of Mississauga, is inspired by the natural world: staircases meander like streams down a hill, and the tiered walkways filter natural light like a forest canopy. Five green-roof spaces expand opportunities for outdoor-oriented classes and events.
Indigenous-focused spaces in the building include:
- The OII's administrative offices
- Gathering Space, a common area for Indigenous students and staff
- The Office of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation (MCFN)
How to pronounce Maanjiwee nendamowinan
UTM Tipi
UTM's Tipi is raised every year during the Fall and Winter terms and is located on Principal's Road. Members of UTM's community are welcome to make use of this sacred space for gatherings that honour its tradition as a site of ceremony, storytelling and community building.
Teaching Lodge
The OII's new Teaching Lodge has been raised next to the OII's Tipi, and provides the UTM community with opportunities for land-based learning.