Incorporating an internship into your studies
The internship is a half course (CCT410, WRI410) that requires you to complete 100 hours of unpaid and paid work. You are also responsible for attending class seminars, completing course assignments (such as writing critical incident reports), and giving an oral presentation.
You must meet the minimum prerequisites. Enrollment into CCT410 & WRI410 requires a minimum 2.5 CGPA and the completion of 13 credits.
Finding internship opportunities
Internship opportunities can be found anywhere. We recommend the following resources:
- The bulletin board outside CC3028
- The class Quercus site
- Mediajobsearchcanada
- Talentegg.ca
- UTM Career Centre
- Networking through ICCIT events
- Networking through friends, family, neighbours, teammates, etc.
Before applying for opportunities
Assess what your skills are, where you would like to be placed, and what you would like to learn from a work placement. It is important to clearly convey this information to your prospective internship supervisor so they can understand how you will fit into their organization.
Visit the Career Centre and sign up for a resume critique to aid with this process.
Reaching out to potential internship contacts
- Start your research early. Begin at least 3 months in advance of the placement.
- Do your homework. Find an individual within the company/organization to contact by phone directly. For example, you may have to ask to speak to the director of a department by initially speaking to someone who handles the department’s general inquiries. Make sure you ask the director’s name before you are transferred.
- Do not reach out to human resources directly or send a resume without contacting an individual first. They company needs to know who you are and why you are contacting them
- Create a cold call script. Plot out how you will introduce yourself and tell the person you contact the reasons why you want to complete an internship at their organization. Do research about their organization and be specific about the details.
- Practice your business introduction and interviewing skills.
You need to start early and confirm your placement at least three weeks before the start of classes. You will be responsible for some of the paperwork; however, your placement supervisor will also need to sign an agreement with UTM.
Questions and inquiries
For more information, contact Steve Szigeti, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream & Professional Experience Certificate Co-lead, steve.szigeti@utoronto.ca; or Sarah Cherki El Adrissi, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream & Professional Experience Certificate Co-lead, sarah.cherkielidrissi@utoronto.ca.