Steve Szigeti's headshot

Steve Szigeti

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream

Recipient of the UTM Teaching Excellence Award for Junior Faculty 2021-22. 

Fall Term (2024)

  • CCT203: Business Research Methods
  • CCT270: Principles in Game Design
  • CCT328: Project Management
  • CCT419: UX and Board Game Design

Winter term (2025)

  • CCT328: Project Management
  • CCT/WRI411: Internship II

Degrees and Institutions
Ph.D. University of Toronto (Faculty of Information)
MISt. University of Toronto (Faculty of Information)
MA. Concordia University (Department of English)
BA. University of Toronto (English Literature and History)

Research Interests
Game design, design thinking, pedagogy, human-computer interaction, data visualization, academic Integrity

Selected Publications
Kaler, M. Richter, C., Scoville, C., Szigeti, S. (2023). The Moral Universe: A Survey of Undergraduate Student Attitudes towards Plagiarism. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity. Accepted for publication.

Sin J., Munteanu C., Nixon M., Pandeliev V., Tigwell G. W., Shinohara K., Tang A., Szigeti S. (2022). Uncovering the Inclusivity Blind Spots in Design Pedagogy through the Digital Design Marginalization Framework. Frontiers in Computer Science. 4. 2022.

Szigeti, S. & Delfanti. A. (2022, June 7-10). Log Out! The Game: An online game in support of undergraduate labour studies. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) 2022. Ottawa, June 7-10, 2022. Conference presentation

Hussain, A., Diamond, S., Szigeti, S., Gordon, M., Yuan, F., Diep, M., Dong, L. (2019). HCI Design Principles and Visual Analytics for Media Analytics Platform. In: Stephanidis C. (eds) HCI International 2019 - Posters. HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, v. 1034. Springer