“Thanks, and thanks; and ever thanks,” says Sebastian to Antonio in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, expressing a friend’s sincere gratitude for extraordinary service performed in a time of need. The play goes on to suggest, however, that such exceptional work deserves more recognition than a passing word alone.
The Principal’s Awards intend to give substance to my gratitude. UTM benefits every day from the remarkable dedication, creativity, and skill of an outstanding staff. Our staff members develop innovative solutions to complex problems. They build inclusive networks of intercultural understanding. They spearhead important activities in well-being and mental health. They lead transformative programs with proficiency and purpose. Above all, they help make our campus feel like a community; and I am honoured to thank them formally for their extraordinary efforts.
I encourage you to join me in recognizing our staff’s ongoing excellence, especially amidst the unprecedented conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have increased the number and categories of awards available; and we have streamlined the steps in the online nomination process. Please take a moment to review the various awards; to nominate an eligible staff member; and to show our collective appreciation for the dedication, leadership, and innovation in which UTM excels.
Professor Alexandra Gillespie
Vice President and Principal
University of Toronto Mississauga