Course Description
The main focus of this course is upon the climatic aspects of environmental change which affect Great Lakes water levels, disappearing glaciers, sea level rise, desertification and dwindling water resources in an ever more populous world. These changes to the earth surface environment are explored in the context of themes and issues which were introduced in the first year, with a view to answering an important question: whether policy action on climate change must wait for more science, or whether action is merely delayed by failure to appreciate science.
Distribution Requirement: Science
Lecture hours: 24
Exclusion: ENV377H5
Prerequisite: 9.0 credits including GGR112H5 or ENV100Y5
Core Skills Developed
- Understand how climate has changed over geological time
- Identify some of the principal factors that control global climate over different timescales
- Understand the principal tools that can be used to interpret ancient climate
- Understand how climate models can be used to project climate change