Course Description
The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the various ways in which remote sensing images have been used for environmental applications among the sectors of government, industry, and academia. A part of the course will be devoted to application projects employing remote sensing and spatial data analysis in natural resources and environmental assessments.
Distribution Requirement: Science
Lecture hours: 24
Practicum hours: 24
Prerequisite: 8.5 credits and ( GGR276H5 or GGR278H5 or GGR337H5)
This course focused on applying all the spatial analysis skills we had learned to a group-based project using imagery. Our group did the Mount St. Helens eruption. I was very interesting to see the loss and re-growth of vegetation over 30 years!
Adam Brighton
Core Skills Developed
- satellite image processing
- image classification
- integration of GIS and remote sensing
- applied GIS for wildlife conservation