Vincent Kuuire
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
My Research Interests
I am an Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Toronto Mississauga. My research examines immigrant integration dynamics in Canada. I am particularly interested in exploring the connections between various forms of immigrant transnational activities and integration. I also study migration as a livelihood diversification strategy in the context of rapidly changing agro-ecological conditions in North- western Ghana. In addition to migration, my research in health geography examines topics such as environment and health, non-communicable diseases as well as healthcare access disparities in sub- Saharan Africa.
I participate in the following research clusters:
Urbanization, Transportation & Health
Graduate Student Recruitment
I am currently seeking graduate students interested in any of the following research areas: Immigrant health and wellbeing in Canada; Transnational engagements and immigrant integration in Canada; Health care access in sub-Saharan Africa (particularly older people’s access to health care); Connections between urbanization, economic transformation and non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa. I may also be willing to supervise students with general interests in health and migration geographies. Potential students are encouraged to contact me to discuss their research ideas and interests.